Monday, December 31, 2012

33ቱ ፓርቲዎች የምርጫ መወዳደሪያ ምልክት አልወሰዱም

ቀነ ገደቡ ዛሬ ያበቃል
የኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ ምርጫ ቦርድ በሚያዝያ ለሚደረገው የአዲስ አበባና የአካባቢ ምርጫ ፓርቲዎች የውድድር ምልክት የሚወስዱበትን ጊዜ በሁለት ቀናት እንዳራዘመ ሲገልፅ ፓርቲዎች በበኩላቸው የውድድር ምልክት መውሰጃ ቀነ ገደብ አልነበረውም አሉ፡፡ ምርጫ ቦርድ ከትናት በስቲያ ፓርቲዎችን ለውድድር ለማነሳሳት በሚል የውድድር ምልክት የሚወስዱበትን ጊዜ በሁለት ቀን በማራዘም ዛሬ ታህሳስ 20 ቀን 2005 ዓ.ም ድረስ በቦርዱ ፅ/ቤት በመገኘት ምልክታቸውን እንዲወስዱ ጥሪ አቅርቧል፡፡
የምርጫ የጊዜ ሰሌዳውን በተመለከተ ከምርጫ ቦርድ ጋር መወያየት እንደሚፈልጉ ሲገልፁ የቆዩት 33ቱ ፓርቲዎች፤ ለህትመት እስከ ገባንበት ሰዓት ድረስ የመወዳደሪያ ምልክት አለመውሰዳቸውን ለማወቅ ችለናል። ምርጫ ቦርድ ያስቀመጠውን የጊዜ ቀነ ገደብ እንደማይቀበሉት የገለፁት 33ቱ ፓርቲዎች፤ ቀነ ገደቡ ፓርቲዎችን እርስ በርስ ለመከፋፈልና ለመለያየት የሚደረግ ሴራ ነው ብለዋል፡፡
በምርጫው የጊዜ ሰሌዳ ላይ አለመስማማታችንና በምርጫ ምልክቱ ዙሪያ ውይይት እያካሄድን እንደሆነ ምርጫ ቦርድ ያውቃል ያሉት አቶ አስራት፤ ቀን ገደብ ማስቀመጥ የቦርዱ ስልጣንና ሃላፊነትን አይደለም ብለዋል፡፡
ቦርዱ የውድድር ምልክቱን ቀነ ገደብ ያስቀመጠው ለምርጫው አስቦ ሳይሆን ፓርቲዎችን ለመከፋፈል እንደሆነ አቶ አስራት ተናግረዋል፡፡

maleda times | December 30, 2012 at 6:12 pm | Categories: AMHARIC NEWS | URL:

Sunday, December 30, 2012

በሊቀ ካህናት ኀይለ ሥላሴ ዓለማየሁ ከአገር መባረር ብፁዓን ሊቃነ ጳጳሳት ቁጣቸውን እየገለጹ


ሊቀ ካህናት ኀይለ ሥላሴ ዓለማየሁ ከብፁዓን አበው ጋር
  • ሊቀ ካህናት ለጉባኤው መግለጫ ይቅርታ እንዲጠይቁ ለሰዓታት ጫና ተደርጎባቸዋል
  • ‹‹አጀንዳዬ ሃይማኖታዊ ነው፤ የሠራኹት ስሕተት ይኹን የምጠይቀው ይቅርታ የለም !!››
  • የሰላምና አንድነት ጉባኤው መግለጫ እንደሚያወጣ ይጠበቃል
  • መንግሥት በወሰደው ርምጃ የመንበረ ፕትርክና ዓላሚዎቹ ጳጳሳት እጅ እንዳለበት ታምኖበታል
በተወሰኑ ጳጳሳት ግፊትና በመንግሥት የደኅንነት ኀይሎች ርምጃ ትላንት ምሽት ከኢትዮጵያ ተገደው እንዲወጡ የተደረጉት ሊቀ ካህናት ኀይለ ሥላሴ ዓለማየሁ ከጥቂት ሰዓታት በፊት አሜሪካ ዋሽንግተን ዲሲ ደርሰዋል፤ በሰላምና አንድነት ጉባኤው አባልም አቀባበል እንደተደረገላቸው ታውቋል፡፡ በሊቀ ካህናት ኀይለ ሥላሴ ላይ ስለተፈጸመው ተግባር መረጃው የደረሳቸው ብፁዓን ሊቃነ ጳጳሳት በአሁኑ ወቅት በጉዳዩ ላይ እየመከሩበት ሲኾን ርምጃውን አነሣስተዋል፤ ግፊት አሳድረዋል በተባሉ ግለሰቦችና ጳጳሳት ላይ ጠንካራ አቋም ይወስዳሉ ተብሎ ይጠበቃል፤ ጳጳሳቱን ያሳተፈውና ለመንግሥት ጣልቃ ገብነት ማረጋገጫ ተደርጎ የተወሰደው ይኸው ርምጃ የማክሰኞውን የቅ/ሲኖዶስ ጉባኤ እንዳያጋግለው ተፈርቷል፡፡
በቀዳሚው የዜና ዘገባችን እንዳስነበብነው÷ ሊቀ ካህናት ኀይለ ሥላሴ ትላንት ከሰዓት በኋላ ፒያሳ ከሚገኘው ቤታቸው ወደ ቦሌ ለስብሰባ ቀጠሮ ብለው ከወጡ በኋላ ነበር ታግተው ቆይተው በዚያው ‹‹ትኬት ተቆርጦላቸው›› ተገደው እንዲወጡ የተደረገው፡፡ የሰላምና አንድነት ጉባኤው ዋነኛው ሰው የኾኑት ልኡኩ በግዳጅ እንዲወጡ ከመደረጋቸው በፊት እስከ ምሽቱ ሁለት ሰዓት ድረስ ባገቷቸው የደኅንነት ኀይሎች በተለያዩ ጥያቄዎችና ተጽዕኖዎች ሲዋከቡ እንደነበር ተገልጧል፡፡ ረቡዕ ዕለት አዲስ አበባ በደረሱበት ወቅትም ሊቀ ካህናትና አብረዋቸው የነበሩት ሌላው ልኡክ በልዩ ክፍል እንዲገቡ ተደርጎ ጥብቅ ፍተሻ እንደተካሄደባቸው ታውቋል፡፡
ሊቀ ካህናት በደኅንነት ኀይሎች ቁጥጥር ሥር በቆዩባቸው ሰዓታት የሰላምና አንድነት ጉባኤው ታኅሣሥ 12 ቀን 2005 ዓ.ም ላወጣው ‹‹በዘለፋ የተሞላ፣ የቅዱስ ሲኖዶስን ሉዓላዊነት የተዳፈረ፣ የአስታራቂነትን መርሕ የጣሰ ነው›› ለተባለው መግለጫ ይፋዊ ይቅርታ እንዲጠይቁ ከፍተኛ ጫና ተደርጎባቸው እንደነበር ተጠቅሷል፡፡ ቅ/ሲኖዶሱ የዕርቀ ሰላም ልኡካኑን ማሳሰቢያ ችላ ብሎ አስመራጭ ኮሚቴ በመሠየሙ ሳቢያ በዳላሱ የሰላም ጉባኤ የተደረሰበትን ስምምነት ለማስከበርና የዕርቀ ሰላም ሂደቱን ከዕንቅፋት ለመጠበቅ የወጣ ነው የተባለውን መግለጫ እንደሚያምኑበት በማስረገጥ በአቋማቸው የጸኑት ሊቀ ካህናት ኀይለ ሥላሴ÷ ‹‹አጀንዳዬ ሃይማኖታዊ ነው፤ የሠራኹት ስሕተት ይኹን የምጠይቀው ይቅርታ የለም፤ ያሻችኹን ርምጃ መውሰድ ትችላላችኹ!!›› ማለታቸው ተዘግቧል፡፡
‹‹በዕርቀ ሰላም ስም የፓትርያሪክ ምርጫውን ጊዜ በማራዘም የፖሊቲካ ዓላማን የማራመድ፣ ብጥብጥ የመፍጠር የተቃውሞ ኀይሎች አጀንዳ አለ፤›› ብሎ የሚያምነው መንግሥት ‹‹ዕርቀ ሰላሙን እደግፋለኹ›› ቢልም ምርጫውን አስቀድሞ በአጭር ጊዜ በማጠናቀቅ የዕርቅና ሰላም ሂደቱ በተጓዳኝ ወይም ከምርጫው በኋላ ሊካሄድ እንደሚችል አቋም መያዙ ይነገራል፡፡ በመንግሥት እምነት ‹‹ዕርቁ ይቅደም›› የሚሉ ወገኖች‹‹የሥልጣን ተሻሚዎችና ጥቅመኞች›› እንጂ የሰላምና አንድነት ወዳዶች አይደሉም፡፡ ይህን የመንግሥት አቋም የተቀበሉና በዚህ አቋም ሥር ተግነው የመንግሥትን አካላት የሚገፋፉ ግለሰቦችና በመንበሩ ለመቀመጥ የሚያልሙ ጳጳሳት በሊቀ ካህናት ኀይለ ሥላሴ ላይ ለተወሰደው ርምጃ የበኩላቸውን ሚና መጫወታቸው ነው የተገለጸው፡፡
ከመንግሥት ጋራ ያላቸውን የጠበቀ ትስስር በመጠቀም ለርምጃው ግንባር ቀደም ተጠያቂ ናቸው የተባሉ ሁለት ጳጳሳት በዋናነት የተቀሩት ሦስቱ በደጋፊነት ተጠቅሰው ስማቸው የደረሰን ቢኾንም ለጊዜው ከመግለጽ ተቆጥበናል፡፡ ሊቀ ካህናት ኀይለ ሥላሴ ከአገር እንዲወጡ ከመደረጉ በፊት በሰላም ልኡክነታቸው ወደ መንበረ ፓትርያሪኩ እንዳይገቡ የተላለፈባቸው እገዳ በቅ/ሲኖዶሱ ዋና ጸሐፊ ይኹን በጠቅላይ ቤተ ክህነቱ ዋና ሥራ አስኪያጅ እንደማይታወቅ መዘገባችን ይታወሳል፡፡
ዕርቀ ሰላሙን በሚመለከት የሚታየው ተጽዕኖ ዙሪያ መለስ ነው፡፡ የቅ/ሲኖዶሱ የዕርቀ ሰላም ልኡካን በብፁዕ አቡነ አትናቴዎስ ተወክለው የአስመራጭ ኮሚቴውን መቋቋም በመቃወም በአሜሪካ ድምፅ ሬዲዮ መግለጫ መስጠታቸው ለማስጠንቀቂያ ዳርጓቸዋል፡፡ ልኡካኑ ወደ አገር ቤት ከመመለሳቸው ሦስት ቀናት በፊት በአሜሪካ የኢትዮጵያ ኤምባሲ ተጠርተው ከተጨማሪ መግለጫ እንዲቆጠቡ ጫና የተደረገባቸው ሲኾን ለልኡካን ቡድኑ በጸሐፊነት የተመደቡት ንቡረ እድ ኤልያስ ከኤምባሲው ሰዎች ጋራ ያረቀቁት ነው በተባለው የተቃውሞ መግለጫ ላይም እንዲፈርሙ መገደዳቸው ተገልጧል፡፡ በተመሳሳይ ኹኔታ ‹‹ዕርቀ ሰላሙ ይቅደም›› በማለት የሚዲያ መግለጫ የሰጡና የተለያዩ ድጋፎችን በማድረግ የሚታወቁ አገልጋዮችም በደኅንነት ወከባ ውስጥ መሰንበታቸው በየጊዜው ስንዘግብ ቆይተናል፡፡
ሊቀ ካህናት ኀይለ ሥላሴ ዓለማየሁ ወይም የሰላምና አንድነት ጉባኤው በተፈጸመው ተግባር ላይ መግለጫ እንደሚሰጡ ይጠበቃል፡፡
ተጨማሪ ዜናዎችን ይከታተሉ፡፡
staff reporter | December 29, 2012 at 6:26 pm | Categories: AMHARIC NEWS | URL:

Saturday, December 29, 2012

በቡሬ ግንባር የሚገኘው የኢትዮጵያ ሰራዊት እርስ በርሱ ተዋጋ

ታህሳስ ፲፱ (አስራ ዘጠኝ) ቀን ፳፻፭ ዓ/ም
ኢሳት ዜና:-የኢሳት የመከላከያ ምንጮች እንደገለጡት በቡሬ ግንባር በሚገኙ የመከላከያ ሰራዊት  አባላት መካከል ማንዳ እየተባለ በሚጠራው አካባቢ ማክሰኞ ሌሊት የተጀመረው የእርስ በርስ ጦርነት እስከ እኩለቀን ዘልቆ እንደነበርና አሁንም ውጥረቱ እንዳለ መሆኑን ለማወቅ ተችሎአል። የእርስ በርስ ጦርነቱ እንደተጀመረ የአካባቢው ነዋሪ ኢትዮጵያ እና ኤርትራ ጦርነት ጀመሩ በሚል ቀየውን ለቆ የተንቀሳቀሰ ሲሆን፣ ከፍተኛ ወታደራዊ ባለስልጣናት በሄሊኮፕተር እየተንቀሳቀሱ ጦርነቱን                                                                                                                      ለማስቆም ጥረት ሲያደርጉ እንደነበር ምንጮቻችን ገልጸዋል
40 ወታደሮች መሞታቸውን እንዲሁም ከ39 በላይ ደግሞ መቁሰላቸውን ከማንዳ ሆስፒታል የተገኘ መረጃ ያመለካተ ሲሆን፣ ሆስፒታል ሳይደረሱ የሞቱ፣ ወደ መቀሌ ሆስፒታል በሄሊኮፕተር የተወሰዱ ወታደራዊ አዛዦች መኖራቸውንም ለማወቅ ተችሎአል።
ዘግይቶ በደረሰን ዜና ደግሞ 15 ወታደሮች ወዲያውኑ መሞታቸውን ፣ 12ቱ ደግሞ ለሞት ሲያጣጥሩ በአይናቸው ማየታቸውን አንድ ስማቸውም ድምጻቸውም እንዳይተላለፍ የጠየቁ በሆስፒታሉ ውስጥ የሚሰሩ ነርስ ተናግረዋል። የግጭቱን መንስኤ በትክክል ለማወቅ አልተቻለም። አንዳንድ ወገኖች ግጭቱ በህወሀት ወታደራዊ ባለስልጣናት መካከል በተፈጠረ አለመግባባት የተነሳ ነው ሲሉ ሌሎች ወገኖች ደግሞ በህወሀት ደጋፊ ወታደሮችና በተቀረው ሰራዊት መካከል የተፈጠረው አለመግባባት ነው ይላሉ።  ኢሳት የግጭቱን ትክክለኛ ምንጭ ለማወቅ ጥረት እያደረገ ነው።
ማንዳ ከቡሬ ግንባር 21 ኪሎሜትር የሚርቅ ሲሆን፣ ግጭቱ በትክክል የተነሰባት ቦታ አሊ ፉኑ ዳባ እየተባለ በሚጠራው የጎሳ መሪ ስም በተሰየመ አሊ ፉኒ አካባቢ ነው። ግጭቱ በዚሁ ስፍራ ይጀመር እንጅ ወደ አራት አጎራባች አካባቢዎች ተሰራጭቶ እንደነበር ምንጮች አመልከተዋል። ከትናንት በስቲያ እና ትናንት ውጥረቱ እንደነበር ለማወቅ የተቻለ ሲሆን፣ ምናልባትም ግጭቱ እንደገና ሊያገረሽ ይችላል በሚል ስጋት የአካባቢው ሰዎች ቀያቸውን እየለቀቁ ነው። የቡሬ ግንባር ዋና እዝ መቀሌ የሚገኝ ሲሆን፣ በሰሜን እዝ አዛዥ ጄነራል ሳእረ መኮንን እንደሚመራ ይታወቃል። ቡሬ ግንባር የኢትዮጵያ መከላከያ ሰራዊት ከባድመ ቀጥሎ ሀይሉን በብዛት ያሰማራበት ቦታ መሆኑ ይታወቃል። ኢሳት በቅርቡ በሰሜን ግንባር የተመደበን አንድ የመከላከያ ሰራዊት አባል በማናገር በሰራዊቱ ውስጥ ያለውን ችግር መዘገቡ  ይታወሳል።
በሌላ ዜና ደግሞ በአካባቢው ለሚንቀሳቀሰው የአፋር ጋድሌ ሚሊሺያ ሀይል ወጣቶችን ትመለምላላችሁ የተባሉ የሚሊሺያው ወታዳራዊ አዛዥ የሆኑት የኮሎኔል ሙሀመድ አህመድ 4 የቅርብ ዘመዶች ተይዘው ታስረዋል። በአካባቢው ከፍተኛ ውጥረት መንገሱንና መንግስትም ካለፉት ሁለት ሳምንታት ጀምሮ በርካታ ወታደሮችን ማስፈሩን መዘገባችን ይታወሳል።
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Breaking News (ሰበር ዜና)፡ 6ኛውን ፓትርያርክ ለማስመረጥ ለተሾሙት ሰዎች ከሲኖዶስ የተጻፈላቸው ምስጢራዊ ደብዳቤ እጃችን ገባ


(ዘ-ሐበሻ) የቅዱስ ሲኖዶስ ምልአተ ጉባኤ ታኅሣሥ 6 ቀን በዋለው ጉባኤው ለስድስተኛው ፓትርያሪክ ምርጫ ከሦስት ያላነሱ ከአምስት ያልበለጡ ዕጩ ሊቃነ ጳጳሳት ለውድድር እንዲቀርቡ ወስኗል፤ አስመራጭ ኮሚቴም ተመርጧል ስትል ዘ-ሐበሻ መዘገቧ ይታወሳል። ሆኖም ግን አዲስ አበባ ያለው ሲኖዶስ እንዲህ ያለ ውሳኔ አለመወሰኑን አስተባብሎ ነበር።አሁን ለዘ-ሐበሻ የደረሰው ከሲኖዶስ የወጣና ለፓትርያርክ አስመራጭ ኮሚቴዎች የተጻፈው ደብዳቤ ግን ማን ውሸታም እንደሆነ የሚያጋልጥ ነው ተብሏል። ግን እንዴት ይህ ሁሉ የኦርቶዶክስ ምዕመንን መዋሸት አስፈለገ? ምስጢራዊው ደብዳቤን አይታችሁ ፍረዱ።Holy-sinodHoly-sinod-1

Friday, December 28, 2012

የኦርቶዶክ ቤ/ክርስቲያን አመራር ለሃይማኖቱም ሆነ ለአጠቃላይ ሥርዓቱ አደጋ ወደመሆን ተቃርቧል” – ስብሃት ነጋ (ቃለምልልስ)

(በፋኑኤል ክንፉ)
አቶ ስብሃት ነጋ (አቦይ ስብሃት) ህወሓትን ከ1971 እስከ 1981 ዓ.ም በሊቀመንበርነት የመሩ ግንባር ቀደም ታጋይ ናቸው። በአሁኑ ወቅት
ከፓርቲው አመራር አባልነት የለቀቁ ቢሆንም፤ የኢትዮጵያ ዓለም አቀፍ የሠላምና የልማት ኢንስቲትዩትን በዋና ዳይሬክተርነት ይመራሉ።
በወቅታዊ አገራዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ አነጋግረናቸዋል።
ሰንደቅ፡- ከቀድሞ የኢትዮጵያ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር መለስ ዜናዊ ህልፈት በኋላ ያለው የአመራር ለውጥ ሒደት እንዴት ተመለከቱት?
አቶ ስብሃት፡- በአሁን ጊዜ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች ሕገ መንግስታዊ ስርዓት አላቸው። ይህ የሆነው ግን ዕድለኞች በመሆናቸው ሳይሆን በረጅምና መራራ ትግላቸው የስርዓቱ ባለቤት መሆን በመቻላቸው ነው። ሕገ መንግስቱ መሰረታዊ ማንነታቸውን የመዋዕሉ ሁኔታዎችን በትክክል ያንፀባርቃል። በዚህ ሂደት፣ ማለትም ኢትዮጵያ ራስዋን በማወቅ ሂደት፣ ወሳኝ ሚና ያካሄደውና በሕገ መንግስቱ መሰረት በሕዝብ የተመረጠ ኢህአዴግ አለ።
ስለዚህ ኢህአዴግ ዕጩ አመራሮችን ይዞ ፓርላማ አቀረበና አፀደቀ። ሌላው አካሄድ ለዘለዓለም ዝግ ስለሆነ ሂደቱ የግድ መሆን ያለበት ሕገ መንግስታዊና ኢህአዴጋዊ በመሆኑ ባልገረምም፤ የሂደቱ ውጤት ግን አስደስቶኛል። ከዚህም በተጨማሪ እንደሌሎቹ የኢህአዴግ የአመራር አባላት ትምህርታቸው መሬት ነክቶ ከሕዝብ እንደገና ተምረው ሃቀኛ ኢትዮጵያዊነታቸውን እያረጋገጡና እየተረጋገጠ የመጡ አመራሮች ናቸውና ያስደስታል።
ሰንደቅ፡- ከአመራር ለውጡ ሽግግር በኋላ አራቱ ድርጅቶች (ሕወሓት፣ ብአዴን፣ ኦህዴድና ደኢህዴን) ስልጣኑን በጋራ የተከፋፈሉት ይመስላል። በምክንያት የሚነሳው በምክትል ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ማዕረግ ሁለት ተጨማሪ ሹመቶች መሰጠታቸው ነው። ይህ ሒደት የኢህአዴግን ጥንካሬ አያሳይም እንዲሁም ሕገመንግሥቱን ይጥሳል የሚል አስተያየት እየቀረበ ነው ያለው። በዚህ ላይ የእርስዎ አስተያየት ምንድነው?
አቶ ስብሃት፡- የአመራር ለውጥ ሽግግር የተባለው ትክክል አይመስለኝም። ክፍት የአመራር ቦታ ስለነበር መደረግ የነበረበት የተለመደ የጠ/ሚኒስትር እና የምክትል ጠ/ሚኒስትር ሹመት ነው። ከዚህ በኋላ ከህወሃትና ከኦህዴድ በም/ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትርነት ማዕረግ ተሾሙ።
ከኢህአዴግ ውጭ ሌላ ቢያደርጉ ድርጅቱም፣ ፓርላማም ሕዝቡም አይቀበልም። የኢሕአዴግ ሕዝባዊ አመለካከትና ይህ ሕዝባዊ
አመለካከት የነደፈው ፕሮግራም ስለሆነ የሚያራምዱት የሚሾሙት ከአንድ ድርጅት ብቻ ቢሾሙ ኑሮ ኢሕአዴግች እስከሆኑ ድረስ ብዙ የተለየ ትርጉም አይሰጡትም። ስለዚህም ሁለቱ ሹመኞች ከአንድ ድርጅት ብቻ ለማግኘት ስላልቻለ ወይም እኔ እንደሚመስለኝ የሕዝቡን ንቃተ ሕሊና ከግምት ውስጥ ያስገባ አመዳደብ ሊሆን ይችላል። ያም ሆነ ይህ ጉዳዩ የድርጅት እንጂ የሃገር መሰረታዊ ፖለቲካዊ ጉዳይ ስላልሆነ እዚህ ጋር እንተወው።
ሌላው የአሁኑ የጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ፅ/ቤት አደረጃጀት ድሮም የነበረ ነው። አደረጃጀቱ ከጠቀሜታ አንፃር መመልከቱ ተገቢ ነው
የሚሆነው። ምክንያቱም፣ በመሰረተ ሃሳብ የጋራ አመራር ያጠናክራል። የጋራ አደረጃጀትና አመራር ጠቀሜታው ከፍ ያለ ነው። ቀደም ባሉት ጊዜም በድርጅቱ ውስጥ የጋራ አመራር ከፍተኛ ጠቀሜታ እንደነበረው ይታወቃል። አሁን በተዘረጋው የጋራ አመራር ጊዜ ሳይወስዱ ወቅታዊ ችግሮችን መፍታት ጀምረዋል። ለምሳሌ በመልካም አስተዳደር ዙሪያ እየታየ ያለው እንቅስቃሴ እጅግ በጣም ተስፋ የሚሰጥ ነው።
ስለዚህም ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ኃ/ማሪያም ደሳለኝ ወደዚህ አደረጃጀት መግባታቸው ምን ያህል ለጋራ አመራር መነሳሳታቸው ነው
የሚያሳየው። ይህም በመሆኑ ጥራት ያለው ፈፅሞ ወደኋላ የማይመለስ እርማት ከገመትነው ጊዜ ባጠረ ይመጣል።
ይህ አደረጃጀት ህገ መንግስቱ ይጥሳል፣ አይጥስም እኔ ልመልሰው አልችልም። ህገ መንግስቱን ጥሶ ከተገኘ በህገ መንግስቱ መሰረት ህገ መንግስቱን ማሻሻል ወይም ሌላ መንገድ መፈለግ ነው እንጂ፤ የአሁኑ ሰፋ ያለ የጋራ አመራር የሚያረጋግጥ አደረጃጀትና አሰራር መቀጠል አለበት የሚል እምነት አለኝ። በጣም የሚገርመኝ ነገር ግን ሕገመንግስቱ ተጣሰ ብለው ከሚጮሁና ከሚያለቅሱት ሰዎች መካከል አብዛኛዎቹ ሕገመንግስቱ ይቀደድ ብለው ሲፅፉና ሲናገሩ የነበሩ ናቸው። ሆኖም ግን ከጠያቂዎቹ ሰዎች መካከል በቀናነት ጥያቄውን የሚያነሱ ሰዎች ሊኖሩ እንደሚችሉም እገምታለሁ። ያም ሆነ ይህ ሕገመንግስቱ ተጥሶ ከሆነ በባለሙያዎች ቢታይ ጥሩ ይመስለኛል።
ሰንደቅ፡- በአመራር ለውጡ (ሽግግር) ላይ የእርስዎ ሚና ከፍተኛ መሆኑ ይነገራል? በዚህስ ነጥብ ላይ የእርስዎ ምላሽ ምንድንነው?
አቶ ስብሃት፡- በዚህ ሂደት ውስጥ የእኔ ሚና ምን እንደነበረ ለምን ጠየቅከኝ? የአመራር አባል አይደለሁም። ተራ አባል ነኝ። በየት በኩል ወደ ሂደቱ እገባለሁ። በምንም አጋጣሚ ቀዳዳ አግኝቼ ገብቼ የራሴ ያልሆነ የሰው ስራ ብሰራ፤ ማለትም ስርዓት አልባ ብሆን ሰውም ባያየኝ ሕሊናዬ ምን ይለኛል? ተቋማዊ ስርዓቱ በመራራ ትግል የተገነባ የህዝብ የፀጋዎች ፀጋ ነው።
click on the following link and read the complete interview:

staff reporter | December 26, 2012 at 5:58 pm | Categories: AMHARIC NEWS | URL:
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ethiopia: Wild celebrations in South Africa

GPF, Ginbot 7 popular Force fighters on the move…

Wild celebrations as news of the formation of a crack guerrilla group reach South Africa!

“Tekebresh yenorshiw babatochachin dem,”
Enat Ethiopia yedeferesh yewdem,”
The patriotic song made famous by the incomparable Ethiopian singer Shambel Belayneh was on everyone’s lips on

Saturday morning 21 December 2012, when the Horn Times visited the bustling GP street in central Johannesburg where Ethiopian refugees usually gather in large numbers.
“President Jacob Zuma, it is time to return the favor, help our freedom fighters…” an excited Ethiopian refugee shouted at a passing police van while his friends whistle and scream “freedom! Freedom!”
“The day 90 million Ethiopians patiently waited for has finally arrived.
And the long walk to freedom begins now. Begging for freedom from a homicide maniac has come to a grinding halt. This is the way to go if we want to break the bondage of slavery.” Henock Alemayehu, 24, a college student in the city of Pretoria told the Horn Times, smiling ear to ear.
As the announcement of the formation of the guerrilla group spread throughout South Africa like wildfires, GPF was also showered with congratulatory messages and some freedom loving refugees even pledged financial assistance.
Here in South Africa, many exiles believe the announcement would trigger a mass defection from non-Tigre members of the brutal TPLF army and the regime would collapse sooner than expected.
The Ethiopian community association in South Africa spokes person also lauded the formation of the GPF as a milestone in the struggle against the rapacious minority junta and sent out his message of congratulations to Ginbot-7 opposition party leaders.
“The announcement of the formation of Ginbot 7 Popular Force, GPF, is like sweet melody to the ears of millions of Ethiopians. Attempting to talk peace with fascist warlords for 21 years had proved a total waste of time. It is time to talk to them with the only language they understand.” The spokesperson said.
“Deadly inter tribal clashes; hunger and disease are still blighting our country .Arbitrary arrest, torture and extrajudicial killings are perfectly legal. While the junta receives billions of dollars in foreign aid, material poverty is driving thousands out of the country. Ethiopia is nothing but the world’s biggest open air prison. To end all this, Ethiopia doesn’t need myopic political parties, we need crack guerrilla groups and GPF is the answer. It will carry the hopes and aspirations of 90 million Ethiopians.” The spokesman added.
Furthermore, a military analyst from Addis Ababa- Ethiopia told the Horn Times that if GPF fighters hit any area in the vast nation and hold on to a village or a town for few days, the brutally oppressed Ethiopians will rise against the junta.
“Look, in the TPLF army one platoon has 3 ethnic Tigre commanders and one Tigre political commissar. In one squad (9 solders) there is one Tigre commander and two gujjiles who are spying and watching the performances of contracted non- Tigre solders. That is why am saying if GPF fighters score even a miner victory, these unhappy solders will turn their guns on their commanders.” He explains.
In additional news, concerned Ethiopians in South Africa have called on Ethiopatriot website to stop demonizing respected opposition party leaders such as Dr Berhanu Nega and Andargachew Tsige.
“Patriots doesn’t call fellow patriots ‘traitors’, we know some great Ethiopians associated with the Ethiopatriot group. Let’s not fragment ourselves. Let’s slain the evil behemoth in Aratkilo together. Let’s rally around GPF.” The Ethiopians said.

Ethiopia 2012: Human Rights and Government Wrongs by Prof. Al Mariam

In December 2008, I wrote a weekly commentary lamenting the fact that 2008 was “Groundhog Year” in Ethiopia:It was a repetition of 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004… Everyday millions of Ethiopians woke up only to find themselves trapped in a time loop where their lives replayed like a broken record. Each “new” day is the same as the one before it: Repression, intimidation, corruption, incarceration, deception, brutalization and human rights violation… They have no idea how to get out of this awful cycle of misery, agony, despair and tribulation. So, they pray and pray and pray and pray… for deliverance from Evil!
It is December 2012. Are Ethiopians better off today than they were in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011?
Does bread (teff) cost more today than it did in 2008…, a year ago? Cooking oil, produce, basic staples, beef, poultry, housing, water, electricity, household fuel, gasoline…?
Are there more poor people in Ethiopia today than there were in 2008? More hunger, homelessness, unemployment, less health care, fewer educational opportunities for young people?
Is there more corruption and secrecy and less transparency and accountability in December 2012 than in December 2008?
Are elections more free and fair in 2012 than in 2008?
Are there more political prisoners today than in 2008?
Is there less press freedom and are more journalists in prison today than in 2008?
Is Ethiopia more dependent on international handouts for its daily bread today than it was in 2008?
Is there more environmental pollution, habitat destruction, forced human displacement and land grabbing in Ethiopia today than 2008?
Is Ethiopia today still at the very bottom of the U.N. Human Development Index?
The Evidence on Government Wrongs in Ethiopia in 2012
Human rights violations in Ethiopia continue to draw sharp and sustained condemnation from all of the major international human rights organizations and other legal bodies. In 2012, the ruling regime in that country has become intensely repressive and arrogantly intolerant of all dissent and opposition. The regime continues to trash its own Constitution, sneer at its international legal obligations and thumb its nose at its critics. Though some incorrigible optimists hoped a post-Meles regime would open up the political space, reach out to opposition elements and at least engage in human rights window dressing, the nauseating litany of those who are falling head over heels to fit into Meles’ shoes has been “there will be no change. We will (blindly) follow Meles’ vision…” In other words, 2013, 2014, 2015… will be no better than 2012 or 2008.
The evidence of sustained and massive official human rights violations in Ethiopia is overwhelming and irrefutable. Let the evidence speak for itself.
The U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices in Ethiopia (May 2012) concluded:The most significant human rights problems [in Ethiopia] included the government’s arrest of more than 100 opposition political figures, activists, journalists, and bloggers… The government restricted freedom of the press, and fear of harassment and arrest led journalists to practice self-censorship. The Charities and Societies Proclamation (CSO law) continued to impose severe restrictions on civil society and nongovernmental organization (NGO) activities… Other human rights problems included torture, beating, abuse, and mistreatment of detainees by security forces; harsh and at times life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest and detention; detention without charge and lengthy pretrial detention; infringement on citizens’ privacy rights, including illegal searches; allegations of abuses in connection with the continued low-level conflict in parts of the Somali region; restrictions on freedom of assembly, association, and movement; police, administrative, and judicial corruption…
Ethiopian authorities continued to severely restrict basic rights of freedom of expression, association, and assembly. Hundreds of Ethiopians in 2011 were arbitrarily arrested and detained and remain at risk of torture and ill-treatment. Attacks on political opposition and dissent persisted throughout 2011, with mass arrests of ethnic Oromo, including members of the Oromo political opposition in March, and a wider crackdown with arrests of journalists and opposition politicians from June to September 2011. The restrictive Anti-Terrorism Proclamation (adopted in 2009) has been used to justify arrests of both journalists and members of the political opposition…
Freedom House concluded:Ethiopia is ranked Not Free in Freedom in the World 2012, with a score of 6 for both political rights and civil liberties. Political life in Ethiopia is dominated by the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), which was led by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi from 1995 until his death in August 2012. May 2011 federal and regional elections were tightly controlled by the EPRDF; voters were threatened if they did not support the ruling party, and opposition meetings were broken up while leaders were threatened or detained. The EPRDF routinely utilizes the country’s anti-terrorism laws to target opposition leaders and the media. Parliament has declared much of the opposition to be terrorist groups and has targeted journalists who cover any opposition activity. Media is dominated by state-owned broadcasters and government-oriented newspapers. A 2009 law greatly restricts NGO activity in the country by prohibiting work in the area of human and political rights and limiting the amount of international funding any organization may receive. This law has neutered the NGO sector in the country. The judiciary is independent in name only, with judgments that rarely deviate from government policy.
Amnesty International urged that the “government of Ethiopia should see the succession of Meles as an opportunity to break with the past and end the practice of arresting anyone and everyone who criticizes the government.”
A group of U.N. Special Rapporteurs (an independent group of investigating experts authorized by the United Nations Human Rights Council) in 2012 issued public statements condemning the ruling regime for its indiscriminate use of the so-called anti-terrorism law to suppress a broad range of freedoms and for flagrantly perpetuating and sanctioning human rights violations.
Maina Kiai, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, concluded, “The resort to anti-terrorism legislation is one of the many obstacles faced by associations today in Ethiopia. The Government must ensure protection across all areas involving the work of associations, especially in relation to human rights issues.”
Ben Emmerson, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on counter-terrorism and human rights warned that “the anti-terrorism provisions should not be abused and need to be clearly defined in Ethiopian criminal law to ensure that they do not go counter to internationally guaranteed human rights.”
Frank La Rue, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression stated that “Journalists play a crucial role in promoting accountability of public officials by investigating and informing the public about human rights violations. They should not face criminal proceedings for carrying out their legitimate work, let alone be severely punished.”
Margaret Sekaggya, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders criticized that “journalists, bloggers and others advocating for increased respect for human rights should not be subject to pressure for the mere fact that their views are not in alignment with those of the Government [of Ethiopia].”
Gabriela Knaul, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers argued that “Defendants in a criminal process should be considered as innocent until proven guilty as enshrined in the Constitution of Ethiopia… And it is crucial that defendants have access to a lawyer during the pre-trial stage to safeguard their right to prepare their legal defence.”
On December 18, 2012, 16 members of the European Parliament issued a public letter to Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn “expressing grave concern over the continued detention of journalist and blogger Eskinder Nega”. In the letter, the members reminded Desalegn to comply with his “government’s obligation to respect the right to freedom of expression as established under customary international law and codified in Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Ethiopia is a party.”
The Regime Must Cease and Desist All Unlawful Interference in the Exercise of Religious Freedom
Article 11 of the Ethiopian Constitution mandates “separation of state and religion” to ensure that the “Ethiopian State is a secular state” and that “no state religion” is established. Article 27 prohibits “coercion by force or any other means, which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.”
Despite clear legal obligations to respect the religious liberties of citizens, the ruling regime in Ethiopia has played fast and loose with the rights of Muslim citizens to select their own religious and spiritual leaders. According to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, an independent body constituted by the Congress and the President of the United States to monitor religious freedom worldwide:Since July 2011, the Ethiopian government has sought to impose the al-Ahbash Islamic sect on the country’s Muslim community, a community that traditionally has practiced the Sufi form of Islam. The government also has manipulated the election of the new leaders of the Ethiopia Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (EIASC). Previously viewed as an independent body, EIASC is now viewed as a government-controlled institution. The arrests, terrorism charges and takeover of EIASC signify a troubling escalation in the government’s attempts to control Ethiopia’s Muslim community and provide further evidence of a decline in religious freedom in Ethiopia. Muslims throughout Ethiopia have been arrested during peaceful protests: On October 29, the Ethiopia government charged 29 protestors with terrorism and attempting to establish an Islamic state.
The regime must conform its conduct to the requirements of its Constitution and international legal obligations and cease and desist interference in the free exercise of religion of Muslim citizens. All citizens unlawfully arrested and detained in connection with the peaceful protest of unlawful deprivation of religious liberty must be released forthwith.
All Political Prisoners Must be Released
The number of political prisoners has yet to be fully documented in Ethiopia today. While human rights organizations have focused on multiple dozens of high profile political prisoners, there are in fact tens of thousands of ordinary Ethiopians who are held in detention because of their beliefs, open opposition or refusal to support the ruling regime. All political prisoners must be released immediately.
In a broader sense, there are two types of political prisoners in Ethiopia today. There are prisoners of conscience and prisoners-of-their-own-consciences. The prisoners of conscience are imprisoned because they are dissidents, opposition party leaders and journalists. They have done no legal or moral wrong. In fact, they have done what is morally and legally right. They have told the truth. They have spoken truth to power. They have stood up to injustice. They have defended freedom, democracy and human rights by paying the ultimate price with their lives and liberties. They can be set free by the stroke of the pen.
The prisoners-of-their-own-consciences became prisoners by committing crimes against humanity in the first degree with the lesser included offenses of the crimes of ignorance, arrogance and petulance. These prisoners are numbed by the opiate of power. They live in fear and anxiety of being held accountable any given day. They dread the day the wrath of the people will be visited upon them. They know with certainty that they will one day be judged by the very scales they have used to judge others.
The prisoners-in-their-own-conscience can free the prisoners of conscience and thereby free themselves. That is their only salvation. In the alternative, let them heed Gandhi’s dire warning: “There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end they always fall—think of it always.”
Stop Repressing the Press
Napoleon Bonaparte said, “Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets.” That rings true for the ruling regime in Ethiopia. Last week three imprisoned and one exiled Ethiopian journalists received the prestigious Hellman/Hammett Award for 2012 “in recognition of their efforts to promote free expression in Ethiopia, one of the world’s most restricted media environments”. The recipients included Eskinder Nega, an independent journalist and blogger and recipient of the 2012 PEN International freedom to Write Award; Reeyot Alemu, one of the few Ethiopian female journalists associated with the officially shuttered weekly newspaper Feteh and recipient of the 2012 International Women’s Media Courage in Journalism Award; Woubshet Taye, editor of the officially shuttered weekly newspaper Awramba Times and Mesfin Negash of Addis Neger Online, another weekly officially shuttered before going online. The four were among a diverse group of 41 writers and journalists from 19 countries to receive the Hellman/Hammett Award.According to Human Rights Watch:
The four jailed and exiled journalists exemplify the courage and dire situation of independent journalism in Ethiopia today. Their ordeals illustrate the price of speaking freely in a country where free speech is no longer tolerated. The journalistic work and liberty of the four Ethiopian award-winners has been suppressed by the Ethiopian government in its efforts to restrict free speech and peaceful dissent, clamp down on independent media, and limit access to and use of the internet. They represent a much larger group of journalists in Ethiopia forced to self-censor, face prosecution, or flee the country.
All dictators and tyrants in history have feared the enlightening powers of the independent press. Total control of the media remains the wicked obsession of all modern day dictators who believe that by controlling the flow of information, they can control the hearts and minds of their citizens. But that is only wishful thinking. As Napoleon realized, “a journalist is a grumbler, a censurer, a giver of advice, a regent of sovereigns and a tutor of nations.” Like Napoleon, the greatest fear of the dictators in Ethiopia is the “tutoring” aspect of the press — teaching, informing, enlightening and empowering the people with knowledge. They understand the power of the independent press to effectively countercheck their tyrannical rule and hold him accountable before the people. Like Napoleon, they have spared no effort to harass, jail, censor and muzzle journalists for criticizing and exposing their criminality, use of a vast network of spies to terrorize Ethiopian society, shining the light of truth on their military and policy failures, condemning their indiscriminate massacres of unarmed citizen protesters in the streets and for killing, jailing and persecuting their political opponents.
All imprisoned journalists must be released immediately.
“Those who make peaceful change impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” JFK
Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam teaches political science at California State University, San Bernardino and is a practicing defense lawyer.
Previous commentaries by the author are available at:

Rebels kill 17 prison guards, free five comrades from Markos Prison

Ethiomedia – December 26, 2012 –
A partial view of the city of Debre Markos DEBRE MARKOS, Northern Ethiopia – Rebels on December 22 killed 17 prison guards, wounded at least 13 members of the security personnel and freed five of their comrades who have been languishing behind bars for several months, a source told Ethiomedia by phone on Tuesday.
The attack was carried out by combatants of the Ethiopian Unity and Freedom Force (EUFF).
The report couldn’t be verified by an independent source. If proven true, however, the latest attack constitutes the third major offensive after operations on Adigrat Prison in November and Metema town in May in which several business units belonging to ruling party officials were razed to the ground.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

የሚያስቅና የሚያሳቅቅ የፍርድ ቤት ውሎ አቤ ቶኪቻው

ዕለቱ “በእነ ኤልያስ ክፍሌ የፍርድ መዝገብ” ምስክርነት ይሰጣል የተባለበት ዕለት ነበር። በዚህ መዝገብ ውብሸት ታዬ፣ አቶ ዘሪሁን ገብረ እግዚአብሄር፣ ሂሩት ክፍሌ እና ርዮት አለሙ ክስ ተመስርቶባቸዋል።
እነ ውብሸት ታዬ መጀመሪያ ሲታሰሩ በቴሌቪዥን የሰማነው “የቴሌ እና የመብራት ሃይል ተቋማትን ማፈራረስ እና ህገ መንግስታዊ ስርዓቱን በሀይል ለመናድ መሞከር” የሚል ነበር። ከዛ እያደር እያደር አቃቤ ህግ በምን እንደከሰሳቸው ረሳው መሰለኝ፤ ለምስክርነት በሄድንበት ጊዜ የሰማነው አንድም ከመብራት ሃይልና ቴሌኮሚዩኒኬሽን ጋር የሚያያዝ ነገር አልነበረውም። አረ ልብ ብለን ካየነውማ ከህገ መንግስቱም ጋር የሚጋጭ ነገር አላየንበትም።
ለማንኛውም፤ በጋዜጠኛ ውብሸት ታዬ እና በአቶ ዘሪሁን ላይ ለምስክርነት የቀረቡ ሶስት ልጆች ነበሩ። ሶስቱም የምንመሰክረው እውነት ካልሆነ አቡነ ገሪማ ይገልብጡን ብለው ማህላ ፈፀሙ።
በነገራችን ላይ አቡነ ገሪማ አድዋ ውስጥ የሚገኙ ቁጡ ፃድቅ ናቸው። ከየት ትዝ አሉኝ…? ሌላ ጊዜ እርሳቸውን የሚመለከት ጨዋታ ይኖረን ይሆናል… እድሜ እና ማሳታወሱን ከሰጠን!
ወደ ማስታወሻችን ስንመለስ፤ መስካሪዎቹ ከአድዋው አቡነ ገሪማ ይልቅ የአድዋውን መለስ የሚፈሩ እና የሚያከብሩ መሆናቸው ያስታውቅባቸዋል። እንዴት ማለት ጥሩ ጥያቄ ነው… ይከተሉኝማ፤
የመጀመሪያው መስካሪ መጣ፤ የመኖሪያ አድራሻውን ሲጠየቅ የጎዳና ተዳዳሪ ነኝ አለ። ወዘናው ግን አይመስልም። እሺ ይሁንለት… ቀጥል ተባለ…
“ቦና ታከለ ከተባለ የቡቲክ አስተናጋጅ ጋር ሆነን ከሌሊቱ ስምንት ሰዓት ላይ “በቃ!” የሚል ፅሁፍ ፅፈናል አለ።
ሁለተኛው መስካሪ መጣ የመኖሪያ አድራሻ ተጠየቀ። ድንቡሽቡሽ ያለው ልጅ ሞልቀቅ ብሎ፤ “ቦሌ” ይላል ብለን ስንጠብቅ ምስኪን ለመምሰል እየሞከረ የጎዳና ተዳዳሪ ነኝ አለን። ይሄኔ እውነቱን ንገረኝ ካሉኝ የጎዳና ተዳዳሪ መሆን ተመኘሁ። የጎዳና ተዳዳሪነት እንዲህ የሚያሳምር ከሆነ ከቤታችን ውስጥ ምን እየሰራን ነው? ስል ራሴን ጠየኩ። ለማንኛውም ምስክርነቱን እንስማ፤
“ቦና ታከለ ከሚባል ሊስትሮ ሰራተኛ ጋር በመሆን “በቃ” የሚል ፅሁፍ ፅፈናል” አለ። ቆይ ቆይ ቆይ የመጀመሪያው ልጅ የቦና ታከለን ስራ ምን ነበር ያለው…? ማስታወሻዬን ገለጥ ገለጥ ሳደርጋት “የቡቲክ አስተናጋጅ” ይላል። ይሄኛው ደግሞ በአንድ ጊዜ ሊስትሮ አደረገው። “እሺ… ስንት ሰዓት ላይ ነበር የፃፋችሁት?” “ከሌሊቱ አስራ አንድ ሰዓት።” ልብ አድርጉልኝ የመጀመሪየው መስካሪ ከሌሊቱ ስምንት ሰዓት ነበር ያለው። ገድ ፈላ…
ቀጥሎ ቦና ታከለ ራሱ መጣ። እሰይ አሁን እውነቱን ከዋናው ሰው ልንሰማ ነው። ቦና ለመሆኑ ስራህ ምንድነው?፡”ሶፍት ነጋዴ ነኝ!” (ያዝ ቀበሌ ይላሉ የኛ ሰፈር ልጆች የማይሆን ነገር ሲሰሙ።) የቦና ታከለን ስራ አንደኛው ጓደኛው የቡቲክ አስተናጋጅ ሲለው ሲለው ሌላኛው ደግሞ ሊስትሮ አለው። ራሱ ሲመጣ “ሶፍት ነጋዴ ነኝ” አለን። እነዚህ ጓደኛማቾች ሳይሆኑ ጉደኛማቾች ናቸው! እያልኩ በሆዴ እያንሰላሰልኩ ምስክርነቱን መስማት ቀጠልኩ…
አቶ ዘሪሁን ባዘዘኝ መሰረት “በቃ” የሚል ፅሁፍ በየአደባባዩ ፅፈናል። ይሄኔ ዳኛው የጠየቁት ነው የማይረሳኝ “ምንድነው የበቃው…?” አሉት። ልጁ ፈራ… ትንሽ ቁልጭ ቁልጭ አለ። ደግመው ጠየቁት “ምንድነው የበቃው?” “መ… መለስ በቃ” ይሄኔ በፍርድ ቤቱ ውስጥ የታፈኑ ሳቆች ከዚህም ከዛም ሹልክ ሹልክ እያሉተሰሙ። ዳኛው ቆጣ ብለው ስነ ስርዓት! አሉ እና ቦና ቀጠለ…
ስንት ሰዓት ነበር የምትፅፉት? ሲባል ምን አለ መሰልዎ…? “ከምሽቱ ሁለት ሰዓት ላይ” አለ። ግራ ተጋባን እንዲህ ያለ ሃራምባ እና ቆቦ፣ ባሌ እና ቦሌ ጉለሌ እና ሰላሌ… አረ እንደውም እነዚህ ይቀራረባሉ እንደነ ቦታ ታከለ አይነት የተራራቀ ምስክርነት ሰምቼ አላውቅም። ለዛውም መፅሐፍ ተይዞ ተምሎ ይገልብጠኝ ተብሎ የተገለባበጠ ምስክርነት… ብዙዎቻችን “ምንድነው ጉዱ” በሚል ርስ በርስ እየተያየን ቀጠልን!
ሂሩት ክፍሌ ላይ ምስክር ሊሆን የቀረበው አንድ ወጣት ነበር። በነገራችን ላይ ሂሩት ክፍሌ በጣም የሚገርም አይነት የእስር እድል ነው ያላት። መንግስት ደንገጥ ባለ ቁጥር ዘሎ ነው የሚያስራት። ለምሳሌ በቅንጅት ጊዜ ታስራለች። ከዛም ቀጥሎ ደግሞ፤ “ከአርበኞች ግንባር ጋር አብራችኋል” ተብለው ወደ አርባ የሚጠጉ ሰዎች ሲታሰሩ ታስራለች። አሁንም ደግሞ አሸበርሽ ተብላ ነው የታሰረችው። በአንድ ወቅት በቃሊቲ እስር ቤት ሄጄ ስጠይቃት እንደውም “መጣ የተባለ ፋሽን አያልፋትም” እንደሚባሉ ፋሽነኛ ሴቶች፤ አንቺ ደግሞ መጣ የተባለ እስር አያልፍሽም ማለት ነዋ…? ብዬ ልቀልድ ሙከራ አድርጌያለሁ።
በሂሩት ላይ ምስክርነት የቀረበው ወጣት “መካኒክ ነኝ” አለን። እሺ እስቲ ቀጥል መካኒኩ፤ ሂሩት ክፍሌን የማውቃት በ97 ዓ.ም አብረን ታስረን በነበረ ጊዜ ነው። አለ። ወንድ እና ሴት አስር ቤት የመተዋወቅ እድላቸው ምን ያህል ጠባብ እንደሆነ የሚያውቅ ያውቀዋል።
እንኳን ሌላ ቀርቶ እስክንድር ነጋ በእስር ቤት ውስጥ የተወለደ የገዛ ልጁንም ሆነ ባለቤቱን ማየት ባለመቻሉ ነበር የልጁን ስም “ናፍቆት” ያለው።
ለማንኛውም “ምስክሩ” ቀጠለ። “እርሷ ባለችኝ መሰረት ሃዋሳ ከተማ ሄጄ አመፅ የሚቀሰቅስ ወረቀት ለጥፊያለሁ” አለ። ለዚህም ገንዘብ ተቀብያለሁ። ሲል ጨመረልን። ገንዘቡ የምንድነው? ቢባል… “የእኔ ክፍያ እና ለቀለም መቅዣ ነበር” አለን። ጥሩ… ከዛስ…? “ከዛ…” አለና ትንሽ አሰብ አድርጎ… “ከዛ… እኔ በዘጠና ሰባትም ዓመተ ምህረትም በዚሁ ጉዳይ ታስሬ ስለነበር፡ ከዚህ በኋላ እንዲህ ያለ ወንጀል መስራት ስላልፈለኩ ለፖሊስ ጠቆምኩ” ብሎን እርፍ…!
አረ በህግ አምላክ መካኒኩ… ሀዋሳ ሄጄ ወረቀት ለጥፊያለሁ ብለሃልኮ… ብዬ ጮኬ ልናገር ምንም አልቀረኝም።
ምስክርነቱ ቀጥሏል። በርዮት አለሙ ላይ የቀረበችው ምስክር የርዮት ጓደኛ ነበረች። እሺ እንዴት መጣሽ…? ተባለች። “ፖሊስ አስገድዶኝ!” በሆዳችን አይዞሽ አልናት። ግና ፖሊስ አስገዳጆችን ይከላከል እንጂ ያስገድድ ዘንድ ደግ ነውን…? ይህንንም በሆዳችን የጠየቅነው ነው…!
“ምንድነው የምትመሰክሪው?”
“ለርዮት ካሜራ አውሻት አውቃለሁ እና እርሱን ትመሰክሪያለሽ ተብዬ ነው የመጣሁት” እሺ ቀጥዬ… “ጓደኛዬ ስለሆነች ካሜራም ሆነ ሆነ እስክርቢቶ እንዋዋሳለን፤ ካሜራው እርሷ ስትፈልግ እርሷ ጋር እኔ ስፈልግ ደግሞ እኔ ጋር ይሆናል” አለች። ከዛም በቃ ይህንኑ እንድትናገር ነው የመጣችውና ጨረሰች።
ታድያ ይሄ ወንጀሉ ምንድነው? ካሜራ የተዋዋስን በሙሉ ልንታሰር ነው ማለት ነው? ግራ የሚያጋባ ምስክርነት ነበር። ቴሌን መብራት ሃይል እና ህገመንግስቱ የሚናዱት በፎቶ ካሜራ ነው? እንኳን ሌላው ቀርቶ “በቃ” የሚል የተቃውሞ ድምፅ ማሰማት ቴሌን እንዴት የወድመዋል? መብራት ሃይልንስ እንደምን ያፈርሰዋል? (ስንል ጠይቀን መልስ ስናጣ ራሳችን በሳቅ ፈረስን!)
እዝችጋ አንድ የዘጠና ሰባት ቀልድ ትምጣ…
ያኔ አሉ ሁለት ፖሊሶች አብረው እየሄዱ ነበር። በወቅቱ፤ አብዛኛዎቹ፤ የአዲሳባ ከተማ ፖሊሶች በመንግስት አመኔታን አጥተው ታማኝ ካድሬ የሆኑ ፖሊሶች ብቻ ከፌደራል ፖሊስ ጋር እየተጣመሩ ነበር ጥበቃ የሚያደርጉት። ታድያ አንድ ካድሬ ፖሊስ እና አንድ ፌደራል ፖሊስ አብረው እየሄዱ ሳለ፤ የፌደራል ፖሊሱ አንድ ጥያቄ ካድሬ ቀመሱን ፖሊስ ይጠይቀዋል።፡
“ባለፈው ወጣቶቹ አውቶብስ ላይ ድንጋይ ሲወረውሩ የነበረው ለምንድነው?” ብሎ ጠየቀ። ካድሬ ብጤውም “ያው ህገ መንግስቱን በሀይል ለመናድ ነዋ!” አለው በርሱ ቤት ጨዋታ ማሳመሩ ነው። ይሄኔ ፌደራሉ ትንሽ አሰብ አደረገና እንግዲያስ መንግስት ነው ጥፋተኛ…! አለ። ካድሬው የአዲሳባ ፖሊስ ደንገጥ ብሎ እንዴት…? ቢለው ግዜ “ህገመንግስቱን ለምን በአውቶብስ ይዞት ይዞራል…?” ብሎ ጠየቀው አሉ።
እናላችሁ ወዳጆቼ… በአሁኑ ሰዓት በነገርኳችሁ አይነት የተጣረሱ የሚያስቅና የሚያሳቅቅ የፍርድ ቤት ምስክርነቶች ሁሉም ተከሳሾች ከአስራ አራት አመት በላይ ተፈርዶባቸዋል። ርዮት አለሙ ብቻ ይግባኝ ጠይቃ ወደ አምስት አመት ዝቅ ተደርጎላታል።
እውነቱን ለመናገር መንግስታችን ጣጣ የለውም “አንጥሴ” የሚሉትን ራሱ ህገመንግስቱን እና ተቋማትን በሀይል ለመናድ እንደማሴር አድርጎ ሊያስመሰክርብዎ ይችላል። ግን ማስነጠሳችንን አንተውም! (ሃሃ..ተቀኘን ማለት ነው!?)

staff reporter | December 24, 2012 at 12:31 pm | Categories: AMHARIC NEWS | URL:
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Monday, December 24, 2012

Can you hear me now?

Sebhat Nega
Can you hear me now? is a familiar question posed by a series of advertisements for Verizon wireless. I am using it here as a metaphor for a series of lofty pronouncements made by Sebhat Negga - the High Priest, the Gate keeper, the Philosophical Guru, the Intellectual Fountain Head of TPLF and above all the mentor of the late PM Melese Zenawi and the dedicated stooge of Isayas Afwerki of Eritrea. He is the know it all who periodically makes definite and unshakable pronouncements just like the Oracle of Delphi, the priestess at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Her generic name was Pythia. She was a deity of ancient Greece who, beginning 1600 B.C., was giving all sorts of predictions until her demise with the rise of Christianity.

Recently Sebhat, Pythia’s modern equivalent in Ethiopia, has asserted with supreme arrogance that the TPLF has broken the backbone of the Amara and Orthodox Christianity and predicted that they are finished. He made this deliberately poisonous statement after the “election” of Haile Mariam Desalegn as the Prime Minister of Ethiopia. Desalegn is neither an Amara nor Orthodox Christian. We know that the ancient Oracle disappeared with the rise of Christianity. Would Orthodox Christianity in Ethiopia disappear the way the present Godless Oracle Sebhat Negga predicted? and would the Amara wither away or disappear like a puff of smoke as well? During the Second World War the defeated Field Marshall Petain of France was overwhelmed by the might of Hitler and declared that “in three weeks England would have her neck wrung like a chicken.” In his speech in 1941 the defiant British PM, Winston Churchill, recounted this episode and said “some chicken some neck” to his delighted audience. Orthodox Christians and Amaras have you heard what Sebhat said? How would you respond?
A year ago Sebhat Negga went to Adwa to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his high school and he went there with his friend Comrade Fisseha Desta, the former PM of the Derg. When asked why he took such a notorious criminal with him Sebhat replied that Fisseha has been his dear friend and classmate since childhood and his elder brother was the Principal of the school. When the questioner persisted “but you took him to an area where the Derg under Fisseha's leadership has committed horrendous crimes” Sebhat replied “Fisseha has served his sentence” and with a slight chuckle Sebhat continued “moreover, Fisseha was with me and who will ever dare to touch him.” For a straight shooter like Sebhat this was a remarkably accurate description of him and his TPLF. Comrade Fisseha is the right choice indeed. With whom could the Woyane have closer affinity than the brutal Derg. They are of the same ilk. In fact TPLF may still have to learn more about cruelty. After all the Derg was the most brutal criminal enterprise that Ethiopians had faced to date.
Let us take the case of Emperor Haile Selassie whom Mengistu is suspected to have murdered with his bare hands by personally pushing a pillow on his face until dead. Then he has the corpse interned in his lavatory where in a macabre act of voodoo magic he was depositing his excrement on the Emperor’s body. Though Mengistu is Godless one need not believe in a God to go down to this level of depravity and bestiality. The Emperor’s corpse was brought out, cleaned and was given a proper burial in church as his Orthodox religion requires. Whether one likes the Emperor or not this is a humane act which the Derg has never been able to exhibit in its 17 years of existence. Another example is the case of the former Patriarch Abune Tewoflos. The Derg imprisoned him and then strangled him by a rope and buried him in the prison compound. His corpse was dug out and was given a Christian burial.
Now a lot has been said about the flight and exile of the 4th Patriarch, Abune Merkorios especially recently. It has been said that the former Woyane PM, Tamrat Layne, was responsible for driving Abune Merkorios from his Synod and Patriarchate to make him an exile. Tamrat Layne is a scoundrel and a thief who has served many years in the Woyane prison. This sly fox is a wolf in a sheep’s clothing who has been allowed by the Woyane to retain some of the loot for services rendered and is now living in exile in the US. He has changed his tune and is now saying that he has found God within the Pentecostal Church, and says that he is regularly talking to God. Some of the gullible members of his Church believe what he says and cry Amen. He also has to face real justice just like Woyane and the Derg. The Derg is an all encroaching killing machine devoid of any semblance of mercy or humanity. No amount of browbeating or pontification on its behalf by its staunch supporters and admirers could eclipse this brutal fact, now and forever!
Prof. George Ayittey speaks about the over 200 African leaders which came to the scene since 1960, the year of the mass independence of African countries. Nearly all of them were corrupt and he calls them the Hippo Generation whom he unforgettably characterizes as: - Swiss bank socialists; military FuFu heads; crocodile liberators; vampire elites and quack revolutionaries. He calls the countries they rule as vampire states. The heads of states of these African countries are bandits and crooks and are the richest persons in Africa. The Derg and the TPLF Woyane fit perfectly this metaphor of the African wild life which Prof. Ayittey applies to the human rulers of Africa. So we need not wonder that the TPLF Hyppo is extending its hand to the Derg Hyppo. The sleeper cells of the Derg both inside the country and in the Diaspora are beside themselves with delight by boldly coming out of the woodworks and spinning their false tales. After all their leader, Mengistu is incapable of telling the truth and his avid worshippers are also the same if not more so. These Derg criminals believe that the time has come when they would accompany their leader Mengistu Hailemariam to return to Ethiopia and share power with the Woyane. In the backward state in which Ethiopia is languishing now, nothing is impossible. After all the Derg was the most ignorant and the most primitive government Ethiopia ever had and their Woyane admirers are not far behind. The only thing is that the Derg excels is in absolute cruelty and is responsible for the annihilation of any and all opposition.
Prof. Ayittey calls the young opponents of the Hippos the Cheetah Generation. They are the fast moving enterprenual leaders and citizens who will rebuild Africa. These are the young democrats who are trying to get rid of the Hippos and bring rule of law and development. In Ethiopia, during the brutal Derg era the “Cheetahs” paid enormous sacrifices during their titanic struggle with the most murderous regime in the world at the time. By a rough estimate a million of them perished until they were finally subdued. There is a harrowing description of the inhuman torture and ‘killing field’ of the Derg calmly described on ESAT TV recently by a member of YaTewlid Nesibu Sebhat . It is a must see video especially for the cheetah generation of today. He describes the crimes of one Kefyalegn Alemu (aka. Habteab Merhe; Tufa) who was found hiding in Denver, Colorado as a refugee from Eritrea. He was member of red terror committee in Addis Abeba who has tortured him and personally killed 200 youth. He mentions Basazinew Baysa (whom I knew as an affable Dean of Students at the University College of Addis Ababa); other murderers of the Derg were Girma Kebede;; Asaminew Abebe; ZaAmanuel; Belay Samuel; Beketa Negasa Asefa Lema; Tensay; Ketema Teshome. This is a description of one episode in one Kefitegna! Imagine the magnitude when we multiply this with hundreds of similar brutalities occurring ALLOVER THE COUNTRY during that time. On May Day alone 2,000 students were killed in Addis Ababa.
A few years back the young ladies Hirut and Ijigayehu were able to flush out Kelbesa Negewo another murderer hiding in the US and he has been sent back to Ethiopia. Presently almost all the mass murderers and criminals including Derg members have been freed from Ethiopian prisons. The TPLF has found out that it has more in common with them than with any other political group. The Cheetah Generation of the Derg has been dissipated. The Cheetah Generation of the Woyane has been cowed down so far. However, the future of the country belongs to them and how well they organize themselves and fight back the proverbial Janus-faced TPLF/DERG. (I.e. Janus is a figure that whichever way you turn it, it looks the same) The youth of the Derg who are middle aged now but they have a lot to teach the youth of today. It is said plus ca change; plus la meme chose (the more things change; the more they remain the same.) The Derg is an equal opportunity killer. The TPLF would protect Tigreans by any means necessary and its wrath is directed to other “ethnics” as they call them. For them there are no Ethiopians but different tribes. The late PM Meles Zenawi used to say ‘what is Aksum for the Oromo or Lalibela to the Gurage’. The grand Pontificator-in-Chief of the Woyane, Sebhat Negga does not even accept the Tigreans from Adigrat or Kilte Awlalo or Raya and of course Tiltal as Tigreans, but only HIS Adwa, followed by Aksum and Shire as the authentic Tigreans. How more primitive can one become? If he has ears to hear he would have heard what other Tigreans (equally vicious) say about Adwa. They say that the inhabitants of Adwa are bastardized because during the battle of Adwa Menelik’s army slept with Adwa women and hundreds of thousands of half-Adwa and half-everything else (Amara, Oromo, Gurage, etc) were born. That is why, they say, that the people of Adwa are so CRUEL and VICIOUS. There you have it!
Now this vermin and alley rat, Mengistu, who bolted the country through the back door with his amassed loot is planning to return triumphantly. His followers in the Diaspora had braced themselves up and bridled their horses. It is reported that Mengistu’s younger brother, Tilahun, is in South Sudan working with the TPLF General and former Chief of Staff Tsadkan GebreKidan and threatening Ethiopian refugees to deport them to Ethiopia “if they do not accept our dictate”. Nothing is impossible in Ethiopia of the present which has fallen to the depth of the abyss. Those who can take us out of it are our “Cheetahs” on the ground in Ethiopia. Those in the Diaspora should put pressure on the US and other European countries not to support Ethiopian Dictators. It is true that in the past the US has been a friend of dictators. Apartheid of South Africa, Mobutu of Zaire (Congo) Pol Pot of Cambodia (Khmer Rouge), Pinochet of Chile, and the colonial adventures of France and Portugal. In the year when President Obama is selected as Man of the Year by Time Magazine, in the year when the Mayan Calendar of the End of Times is over and a new Time has begun, in this coming new year of Christendom, we should implore the US to see the suffering of our people and resist from propping up dictators and charlatans who are robbing our people blind and driving them to an ever escalation of poverty. A lot of African dictators had faced and are facing charges at the International Court of Justice. Their crimes do not amount to a fraction of Mengistu’s. We should implore the West to help us to bring him to justice. Meanwhile we should maintain our unconquerable spirit. And till the day of deliverance comes we defiantly say:

A luta continua (the struggle continues) 
Venceremos (we shall overcome)

Can you hear me now?

How Horn of Africa brothers fell out ,the case of EPLF and TPLF Leaders( Isaias and Meles)

 Both sides seem adept at getting themselves into a position where there is no end game
Ethiopian soldier along Eritrean border
The intransigence of both sides exasperates negotiators
Michela Wrong, author of a recent book on Eritrea, reflects on the differences in outlook between two nations that have made the Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict so intractable.

The two-hour drive between the Eritrean capital, Asmara, and the town of Keren includes what even blase locals regard as a particularly challenging stretch of road. Built by the Italians, it zigzags down a mountainside, tracing a hair-raising route past giant boulders, deep ravines and sprays of candelabra cactus.Torturous and twisted, the stretch is known as the "Heart of Tigray", after the neighbouring Ethiopian province that was once an ally in Eritrea's fight for independence, now the enemy. "We Eritreans think with our hearts, but the Tigrayans are very wily, very complicated. Just like the road," any local driver is happy to explain. The fact that ordinary Eritreans have gone so far as to baptise a road after a neighbour's perceived perfidy gives some insight into the strength of the emotions that have allowed a minor dispute over a border village to balloon into an issue that threatens to sabotage peace in the Horn of Africa.

Since Eritrea and Ethiopia first went to war in 1998 over the dusty settlement of Badme - a conflict that threatens to reignite at any moment - diplomats, international emissaries and United Nations officials have learnt to their cost how deep the hostility and suspicion runs between the two former rebel movements now ruling both states.They have also come to appreciate, if not to savour, the character traits that make it hard for either regime to compromise, with both leaderships demonstrating what can seem a suicidal readiness to see their own communities hungry and bankrupt rather than be caught blinking first.Fraternal rivalryDuring the 1980s, when the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) and Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF) combined forces against Ethiopia's Marxist dictator, Mengistu Haile Mariam, analysts dwelt on the fraternal relationship between Isaias Afewerki and Meles Zenawi, the groups' respective leaders.
We had to teach them how to fight. Without us, Mengistu would still be in power
The two men were undoubtedly close, but brothers can also be intensely, destructively competitive. The relationship was always a stormy one, with each side brooding over perceived slights, chafing over their enforced intimacy. Looking back across the centuries, the Eritreans mulled over the bloody raids staged by Ras Alula, the ruthless 19th century Tigrayan warlord and slave trader who crushed any local chieftain foolish enough to stand up to his employer, Ethiopian Emperor Yohannes IV.That historical resentment was offset by a more recent sense of cultural superiority. Eritreans took pride in their 1890 colonisation by the Italians, a contact, they felt, that had left them better educated and more sophisticated than their neighbours to the feudal south. That impression was furthered by the fact that after Eritrea was forcibly annexed by Ethiopia's Haile Selassie in 1962, poor Tigrayans flooded into Asmara in search of work as janitors, cleaners and labourers. If a job was dirty and demeaning in Eritrea, it was probably done by the "Agame", as the Tigrayans were dismissively known.WeaponsOnce the rebel movements came into their own, this Eritrean superiority complex acquired a military dimension.
Prime Minister Meles Zenawi
Meles' relationship with Isaias was always a stormy one
More experienced, better-organised, battle-hardened, the EPLF boasted a far more impressive array of stolen weapons than the TPLF. "We had to teach them how to fight. Without us, Mengistu would still be in power," former Eritrean fighters still scoff.The TPLF, for its part, did not appreciate being given lessons in military strategy or being lectured over political ideology. Each group committed acts regarded as unforgivable by their some-time allies. The episode in the mid 1980s when the EPLF cut the aid route to Tigray, stopping food reaching the province's starving peasants, was a particular cause for bitterness. After the TPLF, supported by EPLF tanks, captured Addis Ababa in 1991, there was a sense the tables had turned. Now in control of a country whose population, land mass and resources dwarfed those of tiny Eritrea, the TPLF felt it was owed gratitude for granting Eritrea independence and respect as a key player on the African stage. Famously prickly, Mr Isaias never obliged. LogjamSince the 1998-2000 war, in which some 90,000 died, the words "Shabia" and "Woyane" - popular terms for "EPLF" and "TPLF" - are more often spat than pronounced.
Dusty Badme was at the centre of the border dispute
With Ethiopia refusing to demarcate the border in defiance of an international boundary commission ruling, and Eritrea rejecting dialogue until its sovereignty has been formally recognised, all exchange has ground to a halt. Outsiders who try unblocking the logjam usually depart defeated, exasperated with both players. "Too much damn testosterone," was the succinct verdict of one American diplomat I met.On Eritrea's side, a history of foreign meddling has given rise to an intransigence that verges at times on paranoia. Ignored by the UN, which had promised to protect Eritrea's short-lived federation, Eritrea then fell victim to Cold War politicking, as first the United States and then the Soviet Union filled Mengistu's warehouses with arms. InflexibilityDecades of superpower cynicism left the EPLF convinced foreign advice was suspect and Eritrea must go it alone, a frame of mind not suited to deal-making.
Eritrean president
Isaias Afewerki is famously prickly
But the TPLF is hardly renowned for its pliable nature, either.Born in a famine-prone province traditionally neglected by Addis Ababa and despised by the dominant Amhara, the group shared the EPLF's stiff-backed pride, its determination never to lose face.Attempting to explain this mutual absence of malleability, some researchers seek explanations in the macho, isolationist culture of the highlands, the notions of absolute truth preached by the Orthodox Church and the rigidity of classic Marxist ideology. Albanian socialism, cited by Mr Meles as his inspiration, is hardly associated with flexibility, after all. "I don't know whether it's cultural, religious or historical. All I know is that room for manoeuvre and compromise don't seem to feature in politics in the Horn," remarks an aid worker who has worked in both areas. "Both sides seem adept at getting themselves into a position where there is no end game."Like the vitriolic exchanges on Eritrean and Ethiopian websites, remarkable for their bile, this is a world of black-and-white certainties, bereft of shades of grey.Michela Wrong is the author of "I didn't do it for you: how the world betrayed a small African nation", published by Harper Perennial.