Saturday, August 29, 2015

ከዊሃ እስከ ኦምሃጀር – አንድ ሰሞን ከአርበኞች ጋር (ኤፍሬም ማዴቦ)

Ephrem Madebo with Patriotic Ginbot 7 fighters      

ቃል የዕምነት ዕዳ ነዉ። አዎ! ማተቡን ላጠበቀና በአምላኩ ለሚታመን በእርግጥ ቃል የዕምነት ዕዳ ነዉ። ሰዉ ነኝና እንደ ፈጣሪ ቃሌ ሁሉ እዉነት ነዉ ብዬ አለተፈጥሮዬ አላብጥም። ግን ሰዉ ብሆንም ፈጣሪዬን የምፈራ ሰዉ ነኝና ለፕሮፓጋንዳ ፍጆታ ስል ልቦናዬ እያወቀዉ እንደነ ጋሼ እንደልቡ ዉሸት ደርድሬ ለአንባቢ የማቀርብበት ምንም ምክንያት የለም። ከዚህ ቀጥሎ የማስነብባችሁ እያንዳንዱ ቃል እንደ ዳያስፖራ ተረተኞች የምተርተዉ ‘ሰዉ ሰዉ’ የማይሸተት ተረት ሳይሆን ኢትዮጵያ ድንበር ላይ በየግንባሩ የተሰለፉትንና በስልጠና ላይ የሚገኙትን የኢትዮጵያ አርበኞች ስጎበኝ በአይኔ ያየሁትንና በጆሮዬ የሰማሁትን ቃል ነዉ።
ቨርጂኒያ ወደሚገኘዉ “Dulles” አዉሮፕላን ማረፊያ የሄድኩት ከልጄ ጋር ነበር። ከቤቴ Dulles የግማሽ ሰዐት መንገድ ነዉ። ያቺን ግማሽ ሰዐትና አዉሮፕላን ማረፊያ ደርሼ ሻንጣዬን እስካስጭን ድረስ አይኔ እያንዳንዷን ደቂቃ ከልጄ ከቢኒያም አልተለየም። መለየቱን ስላልወደደዉ ልቤ ደንግጧል። ከወያኔ ጋር ለመፋለም በረሃ የሚጓዘዉ ኤፍሬም ከአንድ ልጁ መለየት አቃተዉ። ምነዉ ብዬ እራሴን ጠየኩት- እኔዉ መልሼ ምንም አልኩ። ልጄን አቀፍኩት፤ አሁንም ደግሜ ደጋግሜ አቀፍኩት። እምባ ፊቴን ሞላዉ። ቀና ብሎ ተመለከተኝና ሲከፋዉ ታየኝ። ሁለተኛ ዙር እምባ ፊቴን ሞላዉ። “Son I don’t want to do this, but I have to do it” አልኩ በሁለት እጄ አቅፌ እንደያዝኩት። ጌታችን እየሱስ ክርስቶስ አባት ሆይ ፈቃድህ ከሆነች ይቺ ጽዋ ከኔ ትለፍ ብሎ የጸለየዉ ፀሎት ትዝ አለኝ። እኛ ሰዎች የዳንነዉ ይህ ፀሎት ባለመመለሱ መሆኑ ትዉስ ሲለኝ ልቤ በሀሳቡ ጸና። አባባ Come on . . . be strong. I promise I will be the son that you raised- you will be proud of me” አለኝ ቢኒያም በዚያ 17 አመት ሙሉ በማዉቀዉ ቆንጆ ድምጹ። የተናገራቸዉ ቃላት ዉስጤ ገብተዉ ኃይል ሲሆኑኝ ተሰማኝ። ጠነከርኩ። ተሰናብቼዉ ወደኋላ እያየሁት ወደ ዉስጥ ገባሁ። ወደ ፍተሻዉ ቦታ ስሄድ ልቤን ከፍተኛ የመለየት ኃዘን እንደ ግግር በረዶ ሲጫነዉ ተሰማኝ፤ መሸከም አቃተኝና እንደ ህፃን ልጅ እያነባሁ ፍተሻዉ መስመር ላይ ገብቼ ወረፋ ያዝኩ።
እንደፈረንጆቹ ዘመን አቆጣጠር ረቡዕ ኦጎስት 5 ቀን ከሌሊቱ 9 ሰዐት የተሳፈርኩበት አዉሮፕላን አስመራ አለም አቀፍ አዉሮፕላን ማረፊያ ሲደርስ አይኔ ላይ ዉል ዉል እያለ ልቤን የሰቀለዉ የሚጠብቀኝ የትግል ዉጣ ዉረድ ሳይሆን ከአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተመርቄ በ22 አመቴ ስራ የጀመርኩባት ዉቧ የአስመራ ከተማ ምን ትመስል ይሆን የሚል የሀሳብ ዉጣ ዉረድ ነበር። ሆኖም አካልም መንፈስም እየከዳ ምንም ነገር ማሰብ አይቻልምና ወደ ግዜያዊ ማረፊያ ቦታዬ እንደወሰዱኝ ለሁለት ቀን ከግማሽ የተጠራቀመ እንቅልፍ ይዞኝ ጭልጥ አለ።
ረቡዕ ከቀኑ አንድ ሰዐት አካባቢ “እባክህ ተነሳና ምሳ እንብላ” የሚል የሁለት ሰዎች ድምጽ ተራ በተራ ጆሮዬ ዉስጥ ገባና እንቅልፌን ሰለበዉ. . . መነሳት ባልፈልግም በልቤ ትግሉ ተጀመረ አልኩና ከተጋደምኩበት ቀና አልኩ። ፊት ለፊቴ ቆመዉ ተነስ እያሉ የሚጨቀጭቁኝ የትግል ጓደኞቼ ነአምን ዘለቀና ብርሀኑ ነጋ ነበሩ። ምሳ ላይ ተቀምጠን እነሱ የሚያወሩት ወደ ኤርትራ በረሃዎች ሰለሚደረገዉ ጉዞ ሲሆን እኔ ደግሞ በወጣትነቴ ስለማዉቃት የአስመራ ከተማ ነበር። አስመራን ትቼ ከነሱ ጋር እንደነሱ ማሰብ ሞከርኩ . . . አሁንም አሁንም ሞከርኩና ሲያቅተኝ ተዉኩት። በተለይ ምሳ የበላንበት ካራቨል ሬስቶራንት ዉስጥ በወጣትነቴ ብዙ ትዝታዎች ነበሩኝና ጭራሽ ምግቡን ትቼ በምናብ ወደ ወጣትነቴ ሽምጥ ጋለብኩ። ባር ኡጎ፤ ባር ቱኔል፤ ባር ፀአዳ ፈርስ፤ ባር እምባባና የባቢሎን ጋጋታ እንዳለ ፊቴ ላይ እየመጡ ተደቀኑ። ቀና ስል ነአምንና ብርሀኑ . . . አትበላም እንዴ አሉኝ። ወደ ኋላ ሽምጥ ያስጋለበኝን ፈረሴን ልጓም ያዝ አደረኩና ካሁን በኋላ ወደፊት ብቻ ብዬ ከሁለቱ ጓደኞቼ ጋር በአካልም በመንፈስም ተቀላቀልኩ።
የአስመራ ከረን መንገድ ከተነጠፈ አስፋልት ዉጭ ሌላ ምንም አይቶ ለማያዉቅ ለእንደኔ አይነቱ የዳያስፖራ ‘በለስ’ ቀርቶ ደጋግሞ የተጓዘበትንም ሰዉ ልብ ይሰልባል። አስመራን ይዞ፤ አዲአቤቶንና እምባደርሆን ይዞ በአዲተከለዛን፤ በኢላበርዕድ፤ በከረንና በሀጋዝ አድርጎ አቆርደት ድረስ የሚዘልቀዉ መንገድ የአለም ተራራዎች ስብሰባ ተጠራርተዉ ወደየመጡበት ላለመመለስ ተማምለዉ የመሸጉበት ቦታ ይመስላል። አንዱን ተራራ ሽቅብ ወጥተንና ቁልቁል ወርደን እፎይ ብለን ሳንጨርስ ሌላዉ ከተፍ ይላል። በስተቀኛችን ያለዉን ተራራ አይተን ወይ ጉድ ስንል በግራችን ያለዉ ድንቄም ጉድ እያለ ያሾፍብናል። እልፍ ስንል ተራራ፤ ከዚያም ተራራ፤ተራራ፤ ተራራ ብቻ ነዉ። ፊት ለፊቴ የማያቸዉ ተራራዎች ተፈጥሮ የቆለለዉ የዲንጋይ ክምር ሳይሆን አዋቂ በዉኃ ልክ እየጠረበ የደረደረዉ ሾጣጣ ኃዉልት ይመስላሉ። አንኳን ለሰዉ ልጅ ለገደሉ ንጉስ ለዝንጀሮም አይመቹም። ባጠቃላይ የአስመራ አቆርደትን መንገድ ሲመለከቱት እንደ አጥር ከተሰለፉት ተራራዎች ባሻገር አገር ያለ አይመስልም። አላማና ጽናት ላለዉ ሰዉ ግን ከተራራዉ ወዲያ አገር ከአገርም ወዲያ ሌላ. . . ሌላ ወያኔ የቀማን አገር አለ።
አላማ የሌለዉ፤ ሆዱ ያልቆረጠ፤ ፈሪ፤ ወኔ የከዳዉና አይኑን ተራራዎቹ ላይ ብቻ ያሳረፈ ሰዉ ከአስመራ ተነስቶ በከረን በኩል አቆርደትን አቋርጦ የጀግኖቹ መንደር ሀሬና የሚደርስ አይመስለዉም። ለዚህ ነዉ ሁሉን የሚችል እግዚአብሄር አይዞህ ብሎ የላከዉ የብሉይ ኪዳኑ ነቢዩ ኤልያስ ኤልዛቤልን ፈርቶ እንደሸሸ ሁሉ የኛም ዘመን ጋዜጠኛ ነን ባዮች፤ ዘፋኞችና አርበኛ ነን ባይ የሀሰት ነቢያት ገና ከረን ሳይደርሱ ተራራዉን እየፈሩ በኤርትራ በኩል ምንም ነገር መስራት አይቻልም እያሉ እንደ ግመል ሽንት የኋሊት የሚጓዙት። ድንቄም ጋዜጠኛ! ጋዜጠኛ ታሪክ ሸራርፎ በሰጠዉ ግዜ እየኖረ ያየዉንና የሰማዉን ለትዉልድ እያስተላለፈ ለራሱ የማይኖር ልዩ ፍጡር ነዉ። የኛዎቹ “ጋዜጠኛ” ነን ባዮች ግን እራሳቸዉ ለራሳቸዉ በሰጡት ግዜ እየኖሩ የራሳቸዉን ግሳንግስ የፈጠራ ታሪክ የሚነግሩን ከህያዉ በታችና ከሙታን በላይ ባለዉ ባዶ ቦታ የሚኖሩ ባዶዎች ናቸዉ። አምላክ በምህረቱ ወደ ላይ ይሳባቸዉና ከህያዋን ጋር ይቀላቅላቸዉ።
ምድረ የወሬ ቋቶች ይግባችሁ! የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ዉኃ ዉኃ የሚያሰኝ የእሳት ጉድጓድ ዉስጥ ነዉ ያለዉ፤እሱ ከጉድጓዱ ባስቸኳይ መዉጣት እንጂ እንደናንተ በኤርትራ በኩል ከሆነ ይቅርብኝ ብሎ የሚጃጃልበት ግዜዉም ትዕግስቱም የለዉም። ለነገሩ እነዚህ የወሬ አርበኞች ተራራ ወጥተዉ፤ በረሃ አቋርጠዉና ወንዝ ተሻግረዉ ከወያኔ ጋር ሳንጃ ሊማዘዙ ቀርቶ የገዛ ልጆቻቸውን የልደት ኬክ ደፍረዉ በቢላዋ የማይቆርጡ የ”ዳዉን ታዉን” ቅምጦልች ናቸዉና ከነወሬያቸዉ እዚያዉ “ዳዉን ታወን” ብንተዋቸዉ የሚበጅ ይመስለኛል። አይደል?
ወሬና ስራ ለየቅል ናቸዉ፤ ለወሬ የሚያስፈልገዉ ሹል አፍ ብቻ ነዉ። ለስራ ግን አፍ፤ እጅ፤ አግር፤ አይን፤ ጆሮና የሚያስብ አዕምሮ ያስፈልጋል። ወረኛና ለስራ ያልተፈጠረ ሰዉ የተራራዉ ከፍታ እየታየዉ “በዚህ በኩል እንዴት ተደርጎ” እያለ የወሬ ቱማታዉን መደርደር ይጀምራል። የሚሰራ ሰዉ ግን ግቡ ከተራራዉ ባሻገር ከተከዜ ማዶ ነዉና ተራራዉን ሽቅብ ወጥቶና ከጠመዝማዛዉ መንገድ ጋር እኩል ተጠማዝዞ ወዳለመዉ ግብ ይጓዛል። አንባቢ ሆይ! ሠራተኛ በለኝ አትበለኝ እሱ ያንተ ጉዳይ ነዉ፤ መዳረሻዬ ከተከዜና ከመረብ ወንዞች ባሻገር መሆኑንና አላማዬም ፍትህና ነጻነት መሆኑን ግን እኔዉ እራሴ አብጠርጥሬ ልነግርህ እችላለሁ። የምወደዉን አንድ ልጄንና ጥሩ ስራዬን ደህና ሁኑ ብዬ በረሃ የገባሁት እናት አገሬ ዉስጥ ፍትህ፤ ነጻነት፤ እኩልነትና ዲሞክራሲ አብበዉ ለማየት ነዉ እንጂ የኤርትራ በረሃና ተራራ ናፍቆኝ አይደለም። የናፈቀኝ ተራራና በረሃ ቢሆን ኖሮ አሪዞናና ኮሎራዶ ይቀርቡኝ ነበር።
ዉቧን የአቆርደት ከተማና ቀዳማዊ ኃ/ሥላሤ ያሰሩትን ግዙፍ መስጊድ በስተቀኝ እያየን ወደ ባሬንቱ ስናመራ ያ ከአስመራ ጀምሮ የተከተለን የተራራ መንጋ ፀሐይ እንደገላመጠዉ በረዶ እየሟሸሸ ሄዶ ገና ሀይኮታ ሳንደርስ ሜዳ ሆኖ አረፈዉ። የበረሃዉ ሙቀት እንዳለ ቢሆንም ባሬንቱ ስንደረስ የሚነፍሰዉ ቀዝቃዛ አየር ሙቀቱን አለዝቦታል። ባሬንቱን ለቅቀን ወደ ተሰነይ ስናመራ መሬቱ ሜዳ፤ ሰማዩ ደመናማ፤ አየሩ ነፋሻማ እየሆነ ይመጣል። ትናንሽ ልጆች እዚህም እዚያም ይዘልላሉ፤ ትራክተሩ ያርሳል፤ ግረደሩ ይዳምጣል፤ እንደኔ አይነቱ ጠመዝማዛዉ መንገድ ቀልቡን የሰለበዉና ፀሐዩ ያቀለጠዉ ምስኪን ደግሞ ወላዲት አምላክ ምን በደልኩሽ እያለ ያምጣል። ባሬንቱ ያኔ እኔ ሳዉቃት የጋሽና ሰቲት አዉራጃ ዋና ከተማ ነበረች፤ ዛሬ ከሃያ ስምንት አመት በኋላ ያየኋት ባሬንቱ ግን ከፍተኛ የንግድና የእርሻ እንቅስቃሴ ይታይባታል፤ ዉብትም ስፋቷም በእጥፍ ጨምሯል ፤ደግሞም የዛሬዋ ባሬንቱ የጋሽ ባርካ ዞን ዋና ከተማ ናት።
ከባሬንቱ ወደ ተሰነይ ሲወጣ ግራና ቀኝ አዉራጎዳናዉን ይዞ ኢትዮጵያና ሱዳን ጠረፍ ድረስ የተንጣለለዉ መሬት የኤርትራ የእህል መቀነት ነዉ። አካባቢዉ ከፍተኛ የልማት እንቅስቃሴ ይታይበታል። የኤርትራን ልማትና የኤኮኖሚ እንቅስቃሴ ማየት የፈለገ ሰዉ ከአስመራና ከሌሎች ትላልቅ ከተማዎች ወጥቶ ገጠር መግባት አለበት። ግድቡ፤ እርሻዉ፤ የጤና ተቋሙና ሌላም ሌላ የመሠረተ ልማት ምልክቶች በጉልህ የሚታዩት ገጠሪቱ ኤርትራ ዉስጥ ነዉ።
ከተሰነይ ወጥተን ጥቂት እንደተጓዝን መኪናችን አስፋልቱን ለቅቃ ኮረኮንቹ መንገድ ዉስጥ ገብታ ስትንገጫገጭ ከእንቅልፌ ነቃሁና እንደመንጠራራት ብዬ . . . ደረስን እንዴ አልኩ … የመኪናችንን ሾፌር። ገና ነዉ ትንሽ ይቀራል አሉ ወደኋላ ዞር ብለዉ። እንዳዉ ለነገሩ ነዉ እንጂ ሰዉዬዉ ዬት እንሄዳለን፤ መቼ አንሄዳለን ወይም መቼ እንመለሳለን ለሚሉ ጥያቄዎች በፍጹም መልስ አይሰጡም። ወያኔ የማይሰማን ሁሉንም ነገር ሆዳችን ዉስጥ ከያዝነዉ ብቻ ነዉ የሚል ፈሊጥ አላቸዉ። ዋናዉን መንገድ ለቅቀን ኮረኮንቹን ከተያያዝነዉ በግምት ከ20 ደቂቃ በኋላ አርበኞች መንደር ቁጥር አንድ ደርስን። ዘፈኑ፤ ጭፈራዉ፤ ሆታዉና ዕልልታዉ ቀለጠ። አርበኛዉ ጠመንጃዉን እንደታቀፈ እየዘለለና እየፎከረ እንኳን ደህና መጣህልን እያለ መሪዉ ላይ ተጠቀለለ። “የወያኔ ዘረኞችና አንዳንድ ተላላዎች አንተንና ጓዶችህን ትኩስ ሀምበርገር እየበላችሁ ወጣቱን በረሃ ዉስጥ ታስጨርሳላችሁ” እያሉ አርበኛዉንና መሪዉን ለመለያየት ብዙ ጥረዋል። እናንተ ግን የሞቀ ኑሯችሁን ትታችሁ ታግላችሁ ልታታግሉን በረሃዉ ድረስ መጥታችሁ ተቀላቅላችሁናል . . . እሴይ የኢትዮጵያ አምላክ! . . . ወያኔ የተሸነፈዉ ዛሬ ነዉ እየለ አርበኛዉ በሆታና በዕልልታ ከዉስጥ የመነጨ ደስታዉን ገልጸ። ብቻ ምን አለፋችሁ ጀግኖቹን ያሉበት ቦታ ድረስ ልናይ ሄደን የጀግና አቀባበል ተደረገልን። እንደ አንድ ታጋይ ድል አፋፍ ላይ ልድረስ አልድረስ አላዉቅም፤ ማሸነፋችንን ግን አረጋገጥኩ።
የነፍስ ወከፍ ጠመንጃዉን እንዳቀፈ ሰላም ሊለኝ ሲመጣ ትኩር ብዬ አየሁት። ወጣት ነዉ፤ ጽናቱና ቁርጠኝነቱ ፊቱ ላይ ይነበባል። በፈገግታ የታጀበዉ የዋህ ፊቱ ልጅነቱን በአዋጅ ይናገራል። ዕድሜዉ ከሃያ አይበልጥም። ተቃቅፈን ሰላም ስንባባል እጅብ እጅብ ብሎ የተጎነጎነ ፀጉሩን በእጄ እያሻሸሁ “እቺን ነገር ታበድረኛለህ” አልኩት ፀጉር እየከዳዉ ያስቸገረኝን እራሴን እያሳየሁት። ችግር የለም አለኝ። “ችግር የለም” በአርበኞቹ ሠፈር የተለመደ አባባል ነዉ። የበረሃዉ ንዳድ፤ የዉኃዉ ጥማት፤ የምግብ ችግር፤ ክብደት ተሸክሞ ተራራዉን ሽቅብ መዉጣትና ባጠቃላይ ወያኔንና ዘረኛ ስርዐቱን ማስወገድ ለአርበኛዉ ችግር አይደለም። አርበኛዉ ለእንደነዚሀ አይነት ችግሮች ተዘጋጅቶ ስለመጣ እንደችግር አይመለከታቸዉም።
ድንኳን ዉስጥ ገብተን ቁጭ እንዳልን . . . . እዚህ አካባቢ ችግራቸሁ ምንድነዉ አልኩት። ይምጡ አለኝና ከድንኳኑ ይዞኝ ወጥቶ ገዢ መሬት ይዘዉ የመሸጉትን የተለያዩ ካምፖች አሳየኝና የእያንዳንዳቸዉን ስም ነገረኝ። ሁላችንም የመጣነዉ ከኢትዮጵያ ነዉ፤ ሁላችንም የምንታገለዉ ወያኔን ነዉ፤ ደግሞም የሁላችንም ጥያቄ ፍትህ፤ ነጻነትት፤ እኩልነትና ዲሞክራሲ ነዉ. . . .. ግን አንድ ላይ አንታገልም። እስከመቼ ነዉ የአንድ አገር አርበኞች ከአገራችን ወጥተን፤ የተለያየ ድንኳን ተክለን፤ በተናጠል የጋራ ጠላታችንን የምንዋጋዉ? እባካችሁ ገላግሉን ብሎኝ ቀና ሲል አይኑ ካይኔ ገጠመ። በአፉ ከነገረኝ በአይኑ የነገረኝ በለጠብኝ። እንዲህ አይነቱን ብስለት የተሞላዉ ንግግር የሰማሁት ከልጄ ብዙም ከማይበልጥ ኢትዮጵያዊ ወጣት መሆኑ ሲሰማኝ እራሴን ታዘብኩት፤ ኢትዮጵያዊነቴን ግን ከወደድኩት በላይ ወደድኩት። አዎ አሁንም አሁንም አትዮጵያዊነቴን ከነችግሩ ወደድኩት። ደግሞስ ዬኔ ስራ ችግር መፍታት ነዉ እንጂ የአገሬ ችግር ፊቴ ላይ በተደቀነ ቁጥር ኢትዮጵያዊነቴን ጥያቄ ዉስጥ ማስገባት አይደለም።በነገራችን ላይ በተናጠል የሚደረገዉ ትግል አያዋጣምና “እባካችሁ አንድ አድርጉን” የሚለዉ ጥያቄ የአንድ አርበኛ ጥያቄ ሳይሆን በየሄድኩበት ካምፕ፤ ግምባርና ምሽግ ዉስጥ ከአብዛኛዉ አርበኛ አፍ የሚወጣ ጥያቄ ነዉ።
ቀኝ እጄን ወጣቱ አርበኛ ግራ ትከሻ ላይ አሳረፍኩና በሌባ ጣቴ በርቀት የሚታዩትን ካምፖች እያሳየሁት… አንዱጋ መሄድ እንችላለን አልኩት። አይ ጋሼ አሁን መሽቷል አለኝ። ሰዐቱ ገና ከቀኑ 9 ሰዐት ቢሆንም ሰፈሩ የአርበኞች ስለሆነ በነሱ ህግ መተዳደር አለብኝ ብዬ እሺ አልኩት። አይዞት እናንተ አስተባብራችሁ አንድ አድርጉን እንጂ ሌላ ሌላዉ ችግር የለዉም አለኝ። እኔም እንደ ወጣቱ አርበኛ በድፍረት “ችግር የለም” ለማለት ባልደፍርም . . . አይዞህ ትብብርን በተመለከተ በቅርብ ግዜ ሁላችንንም የሚያስደስት ዜና አብረን እንሰማለን አልኩት። ፈገግ አለና እሱን ከጨረሳችሁልን ሌላዉን ለኛ ተዉት አለኝና ይዞኝ ወደ ድንኳኑ ገባ።
ሐሙስ ነኃሴ 13 ቀን ጎህ ሳይቀድ ከእንቅልፌ ተነሳሁና ትንሽ ዞር ዞር ብዬ አልጋዬ ላይ ተመልሼ መጽሐፌን ማንበብ ጀመርኩ። ሁለት ምዕራፍ ጨርሼ ሦስተኛዉን ልጀምር ስል ከሩቁ ቡና ቡና ሸተተኝ። ቀና ብዬ ስመለከት ፍረወይኒ የቆላችዉን ቡና እስከነማንከሽከሻዉ ተሸክማ ልታስሸትተኝ ስትመጣ አየኋት፤ ከተቀመጥኩበት ተነስቼ ቁርስ ደረሰ እንዴ ብዬ ማንከሽከሺያዉ ላይ የሚንቦገቦገዉን ጭስ በእጄ ደጋግሜ ወደ አፍንጫዬ ሳብኩት። ‘ኡወ ቁርሲ ደሪሱ’ ብላ ፍረወይኒ የተቆላዉን ቡና ይዛ ወደ መጣችበት ተመለሰች።
ከጧቱ አንድ ሰዐት ከመሆኑ በፊት ቁርስ ተበልቶ አለቀና ሁላችንም ወደየተመደብንበት መኪና እንድንገባ ተነገረን። የሚጸዳዳዉ ተጸዳድቶ ሲጋራ የሚያጤሰዉም ሲጋራዉን ለምጦ ጉዞ ተጀመረ። ዬት እንደምንሄድ ወይም ለምን እንደምንሄድ የጠየቀም የተናገረም አልነበረም። . . . ዋ! ትንፍንሽ ብትሉ የተባለ ይመስል ሁሉም አፉን ዘግቶ ወደማያዉቀዉ ቦታ ጉዞዉን ቀጠለ። አንድ ሰዐት ያክል እንደተጓዝን . . . “እነዚያ ቤቶች ይታዩሃል” የሚል ድምጽ መኪናዉ ዉስጥ የሰፈነዉን የዝምታ ጽላሎት ሰበረዉ።አዎ ይታየኛል . . . ምን የምትባል ከተማ ናት ብዬ ቀና ስል ትልቅ ወንዝ አየሁ፤ ግን ወንዙንም ከተማዉንም ስለማላዉቃቸዉ ምንም አልተሰማኝም። እንድያዉም ፀሐይ ያጋለዉን ሰዉነቴን ለማቀዝቀዝ ወደ ወንዙ እንሂድ አልኳቸዉ። “ይቅርብህ እንደቀዘቀዝክ ትቀራለህ” አለኝ ከአጃቢያችን አንዱ።
ከተማዉ ኦምሀጀር፤ ወንዙ ተከዜ፤ ከወንዙ ባሻገር የሚታየዉ ከተማ ደግሞ ሁመራ መሆኑ ሲነገረኝ . . . የምን ወንዝ መዉረድ እዚያዉ ቀዝቅዤ ቀረሁ። አደራ ቦቅቧቃ እንዳትሉኝ . . . አልፈራሁም አልደነገጥኩም። በእርግጥ እንኳን እንደዚያ ቀርቤዉ ከሩቅ ከባህር ማዶም ጠልፎ ሊወስደኝ የሚፈልግ ሰላቢ የነገሰበትን ምድር ሳላዉቀዉ እንደዚያ በድንገት መቅረቤ ትንሽም ቢሆን አሳስቦኛል። ይልቅ እንደዚያ ያፈዘዘኝና ገና ወንዙ ዉስጥ ሳልገባ ያቀዘቀዘኝ እናት አገሬን ኢትዮጵያን በ25 አመት ለመጀመሪያ ግዜ ማየት መቻሌ ወይም የእናት ኢትዮጵያ ናፍቆት ነዉ። ለነገሩ አገርም ሰዉም የሚናፍቀዉ ርቀዉ ሲሄዱ ነዉ። ዬኔ ናፍቆት ግን ልዩ ጭራሽ ልዩ ነዉ። አጠገቧ ቆሜ አገሬ ናፈቀችኝ። አዎ! መግቢያዬ ቀረበ መሰለኝ ኢትዮጵያ ስቀርባት ይበልጥ ናፈቀችኝ።
በቃ አንሂድ አለ ይዞን የመጣዉ የበላይ መኮንን . . . አዎ እንሂድ እንጂ ከዚህ በላይ መቆየት ለወያኔ ካልሆነ ለሌላ ለማንም አይበጅም አሉ ሌላዉ በዕድሜ ጠና ያሉ የበላይ መኮንን። እኚህ ሰዉ የወያኔ ስም ሲነሳ ደማቸዉ ይፈላል ፤ እሳቸዉ እራሳቸዉ እንደ ዳዊት ሲደጋግሙት ግን ምንም አይሰማቸዉም። ከሰዐት በኋላ ረፋዱ ላይ ሁላችንም ወደየመኪናችን ገብተን ኦምሀጀርን ለቅቀን ወደ ጀግኖቹ አገር ወደ ሀሬና አቀናን። ሀሬና አርበኞች ግንቦት 7ን፤የጋምቤላ ህዝብ ነጻነት ንቅናቄን፤ የአማራ ህዝብ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ንቅናቄን፤ የቤንሻንጉል ህዝብ ነጻነት ድርጅትንና ደምህትን ወላድ ማህፀንዋ ዉስጥ አምቃ የያዘች እርጉዝ ምድር ናት። እርግጠኛ ነኝ በቅርቡ ትወልዳለች።
የአስመራ ምፅዋ መንገድ እንደ ጥምጥም እየተጠመጠመ እየቀናና እየጠመመ ለረጂም ሰዐት የሚዘልቅ ያዋቂንም የልጅንም ቀልብ የሚሰልብ ሰላቢ መንገድ ነዉ። እግዚኦ . . . የከረን መንገድ በስንት መልኩ! ከአስመራ ምፅዋ መሄድ ማለት ከ2500 ሜትር ተራራ ላይ ቁልቁል ወርዶ ባህር ወለል መድረስ ማለት ነዉ። ትንፋሼን ቋጥሬ በቀኜ ገደሉን በግራዬ ተራራዉን እያየሁ ለሰዐታት ቁልቁለቱን ከተያያዝኩት በኋላ የቋጠርኩትን ትንፋሽ አዉጥቼ እፎይ ማለት የጀመርኩት ማይ አጣል ስደርስ ነዉ። ከማይ አጣል በኋላ ምፅዋ ድረስ መንገዱ ሜዳ ነዉ።
ምፅዋ ልንደርስ ትንሽ ሲቀረን ሆዴን ባር ባር አለዉ። የደስታ ይሁን የሀዘን ወይም የሲቃ አላዉቅም ብቻ ልቤ ሌላ ሌላዉን ሰዉነቴን ትቶ ደረቴ ዉስጥ ብቻዉን ይዘላል። “ዉስጥ እጄን ይበላኛል” ምን ሊያሳየኝ ይሆን . . . ይል ነበር የልጅነት ጓደኛዬ። ምነዉ እኔም እንደሱ ሆኜ ዉስጥ እጄን በበላኝ . . . ልቤ ደረቴን ጥሶ የሚወጣ እሰኪመስል ድረስ ደረቴ ዉስጥ ከሚዘል። አይፎኔን አወጣሁና ግራና ቀኙን አይኔ ያረፈበትን ቦታ ሁሉ ፎቶ አነሳሁ። ቦታዉ ዶጋሌ ይባላል. . . አዎ! ዶጋሌ . . . ጀግናዉ ራስ አሉላ 500 የጣሊያን ወታደሮችን ዶጋ አመድ ያደረጉበት የድል ቦታ። ለካስ ልቤ አለምክንያት አልዘለለም! ጣሊያን ዋና ከተማ ሮም ዉስጥ የአምስት መቶዎቹ አደባባይ የሚባል ቦታ አለ (ፒያዛ ዴ ቺንኮ ቼንቶ)። እመኑኝ እኛም አገር አይቀርም! ባንዳ ባንዳዉንና ልክ ልኩ ሲነገረዉ ደንግጦ የሞተዉን ምናምንቴ ሁሉ ትተን ሞተዉ ህይወት የሆኑልንን የትናንትናና የዛሬ ጀግኖቻችንን እናስታዉሳለን።
ምፅዋ ሁለት ቀን ብቻ ነዉ ያደርኩት – ቅዳሜና እሁድን። በጦርነቱ የፈራረሱ ህንጻዎች አሁንም አልፎ አልፎ ይታያሉ፤ ያም ሆኖ ምፅዋ ዉብ ከተማ ናት፤ ደግሞም አያሌ አዳዲስ ህንጻዎች ተሰርተዉባታል። የቀድሞዉ የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ኃይል ጠ/መምሪያ የነበረዉ ማዕከል ግን በጦርነቱ እንደፈረሰ ነዉ፤ ያየዉም የነካዉም ያለ አይመስልም።
እሁድ ነኃሴ 16 ቀን ከምፅዋ ተነስተን 45 ደቂቃ ከነዳን በኋላ ዊሃ ደርስን። ዊሃ ሌላዉ የአርበኞች መንደር ነዉ። ዊሃ ያለዉ አርበኛ እንዴት እንደተቀበልን ለመግለጽ አማርኛ ቋንቋ እንደገና “ሀ” ብዬ መጀመር የሚኖርብኝ ይመስለኛል። በዚያ የወፍ ማረፊያ በሌለበትና በየሴኮንዱ ዉኃ ዉኃ በሚያሰኝበት ንዳድ ዉስጥ ወታደራዊ ሥልጠና መዉሰድ ቀርቶ አንድ ሜትር መራመድም እጅግ በጣም ይከብዳል። እንግዲህ ይታያችሁ የኛዎቹ ጀግኖች እንደዚህ የምድር ሲኦል በመሰለ ቦታ ነዉ ወገኖቻቸዉን ከወያኔ መንጋጋ ነፃ ለማዉጣት እልህ አስጨራሽ የሆነ ወታደራዊ ሥልጠና የሚወስዱት። እኔም የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ ከወያኔ ዘረኞች ለማላቀቅ እንደወያኔ 17 አመት ጫካ ለጫካ መንፏቀቅ እንደሌለብን ቁልጭ ብሎ የታየኝ ዊሃ ሄጄ እነዚህን የኢትዮጵያ የቁርጥ ቀን ልጆች ስመለከት ነዉ።

Saturday, August 22, 2015

TPLF  ታላቁ የመስፋፉት  ሴራ  ሲጋለጥ,2008

እራሱን የትግራይ ነፃ አውጭ (TPLF)ብሎ የሚጠራው  እስካሁን ምናውቀው ታላቁ  ሲራ ታላቋን የትግራይ ሪፓፕልክ መመስረት ሲሆን ይኸውም  ከጐንደር የሁመራንና ወልቃይት ለም የእርሻ መሬትና ከወሎ ክፍለ ሀገር ደግሞ እራያና ቆቦን ወደ ትግራይ ክልል በሀይል በማጠቃለል የታላቋን ትግራይ ምሥረታ የ1968 የትግራይ ነጻ አውጭ(TPLF) ማንፌስቶ አካል የሆነውን ከ1986ዓም ተግባራዊ ማረግ  ጀመረ የዚህንም ሴራ አካል የሆነውን ካራታ  ከዚህ በታች ይምልከቱ ምንጭ TPLF manifesto 1968/1976

የትግራይ ነጻ  አውጭ (TPLF)  የታላቋን ትግራይ ምሥረታ የመስፋፋት  ሴራ  በዚህ አላበቃም  ሰሞኑን ይፋ የሆነ TPLF  ታላቁ የመስፋፉት  ሴራ  ግሞ  ከላይ የተጠቀሱት ከጎንደርና ከወሎ  ክ/ሀገር  ወደ ትግራይ ክልል በሀይል የተጠቃለሉትን ጨምሮ  ከአፋርና ከኤርትራ ቀይባህር አዎሳኝ  አሰብ ውደብን በማጠቃለል ወደ ትግራይ በመከለል  የባህር  በር ለማግኘትና  የደህንነታቸውን  ሥጋት ለማረጋገጥ  ፥ ከሰሜን ምዕራብከጐንደር ክሀገር ደገሞ የሱዳን አዋሳኝ የሆነውን  መተማን ወደ ታልቋ ትግራይ በማካተት  ፣ እስከ ደቡብ ምራብ ቤንሻጉል ጉምዝ ክልል የቀድሞው የጐጃም ክ/ሀገር  የመተከል አውራጃ አካልና ጣና በለሰ መካናይዝድ የእርሻ ልማትን በማካተት ደቡብ ምራብ ኢትዮጵያ ጋምቤላ ብሄራዊ ክልል  አሁንም ወደ ታላቋ ትግራይ በማካተት የመጠጥ ውሃ፣ የመስኖና፣ሀያል ምንጭ እና የእርሻ መሬት  ለወደፊት ታላቋ ትግራይ ለማረጋገጥ ታሰቦ የተዘጋጀውን   TPLF ታላቁ ሴራ ካርታ ይምልከቱ


ስለ TPLF ታላቁ ሴራ ተጨማሪ ለማንበብ ቀጥሎ ያለውን  አድራሻ ወይ





Friday, August 21, 2015

Ethiopia: Our Need for Unity in Divinity Facing Adversity!

The current Ethiopian regime also has a rational fear of Islamist terrorism.
August 17, 2015
by Alemayehu G. Mariam
The Thugtatorship of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (T-TPLF) has been pursuing a systematic program of religious persecution and fomenting religious antagonisms in Ethiopia for quite some time.
After the T-TPLF seized power in 1991, it sought to ingratiate itself with the Ethiopian Muslim community by making symbolic gestures of equality and tolerance.
The patronizing outreach to Muslim communities  proved to be a Trojan horse.
The T-TPLF’s hidden agenda was to co-opt and politicize Muslim leaders and institutions for its own sinister political purposes.
America’s global  “war on terror” (which Meles Zenawi said was “a god sent”) changed things.
Meles’ proxy war in Somalia became the ideological foundation for the demonization of Ethiopian Muslims.
Magnifying the outrageous and inflammatory rhetoric of a few self-appointed  and self-important Muslim leaders,  the T-TPLF began a systematic campaign of demonization and vilification of Ethiopian Muslims.
In December 2011, the T-TPLF launched its first broadside attack by broadcasting a trash documentary (docutrash) called “Alekdama”, which I condemned and denounced as scandalous and vicious fear mongering  in my commentary entitled, “Ethiopia: Land of Blood or Land of Corruption?”.
In that docutrash , the T-TPLF  sought to  graft the crimes against humanity committed by international terrorists in the name of Islam on Ethiopian Muslims. The T-TPLF’s aim was to create rabid public hysteria against Muslims in Ethiopia and justify  violent crackdowns against them.
In June 2012, I fought back against the late Meles Zenawi’s attempts to foment religious strife between Christians and Muslims under the bogus pretext of “homegrown Muslim terrorists” in Ethiopia in my commentary entitled, “Ethiopia: Unity in Divinity!”  I praised Muslim and Christian religious leaders for reaching out to build bridges of unity in the struggle against EVIL.
With a subtlety of a Black Mamba snake, Meles tried to paint all Ethiopian Muslims as “Salafist” and  “Wahhabist” extremists  and Al Qaeda sympathizers.
Meles, in his signature diabolical way, sought to portray the young Muslim religious activists as stooges of international radical Islamists and jihadists with terrorists  designs on Ethiopia.
Meles told his kangaroo parliament:
One cannot say all Salafis are Al Qaeda. That’s a mistake, a crime. But all Al Qaeda are Salafis. For the first time, an Al Qaeda cell has been found in Ethiopia. Most of them in Bale and Arsi. All of the members of this cell are Salafis. This is not to say all Salafis in Ethiopia are Al Qaeda members. Most of them are not. But these Salafis have been observed distorting the real teachings [of Islam]. They [Salafis] say most people in Ethiopia are Muslims. They say the official statistical reports are false. They say since most Ethiopians are Muslims, there must be an Islamic government. Such agitation is currently underway on a mass scale by these fundamentalist agitators…
It was intended to be fresh “red meat”.  With his alarmist rhetoric, Meles hoped to inspire fear, anxiety, suspicion, dread and panic among Christians.
In 1949, United States Secretary of Defense James Forrestal said, “The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. They’re right around. I’ve seen Russian soldiers.”
Meles’ speech to his kangaroo parliament in was not much different. “The Ethiopian Muslim jihadists and terrorists are coming. They are right around the corner or under the next rock. I have seen them in Bale and Arsi.”
Of course, since Meles made those syllogistically conflated  statements, there has been no Al Qaeda insurgency or Salafi resurgence in Ethiopia, except in the warped minds and benighted imaginations of T-TPLF leaders.
There has not been a single independently verified act of violence committed by Muslim protesters!  Neither has there been any independently corroborated evidence of any “radical Muslim scholars/preachers” actually causing their members to engage in violence.
On August 15, 2012, Human Rights Watch  demanded the “Ethiopian government should immediately release 17 prominent Muslim leaders arrested as part of a brutal crackdown on peaceful Muslim protesters in Addis Ababa. The Ethiopian government should address the grievances of its Muslim community through dialogue, not violence.”
In 2013, Amnesty International condemned the T-TPLF’s persecution of the protesting Ethiopian Muslims:
The government continues to respond to the grievances of the Muslim community with violence, arbitrary arrests and the use of the overly-broad Anti-Terrorism Proclamation to prosecute the movements’ leaders and other individuals. This is a violation of people’s right to peacefully protest, as protected in Ethiopia’s constitution. The Ethiopian government must end its use of repressive tactics against demonstrators.”
In March 2015, the African Union’s human rights watchdog, the  African Commission on Human and People’s Rights , sent a letter to the marionette prime minster of Ethiopia Hailemariam Desalegn asking him to
to investigate allegations of torture and other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment or punishments in relation to the 29 [Muslim] defendants,  guarantee attorney-client confidentiality privilege by allowing the defendants unhindered and unmonitored communication with their attorneys  and guarantee victims right to presumption of innocence until proven guilty and prevent his government, its officials, and state media from making statements that slander and defame the victims.
On August 6, 2015, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) “strongly condemned the convictions and sentencing of 18 Muslim leaders in Ethiopia.”
USCRIF  Chairman Dr. Robert P. George said, “These individuals were peaceful advocates for religious freedom.  This trial was a continuation of the Ethiopian government’s use of the anti-terror law to stifle human rights advocacy and dissent.”
Demonization of Ethiopian Muslims by the T-TPLF and Meles Zenawi
In February 2013, I defended Ethiopian Muslims against another T-TPLF demonization and vilification propaganda campaign in a docutrash called “Jihadawi Harakat” (“Holy War Movement”) in my commentary entitled, “The Politics of Fear and Smear”.
That docutrash was another malicious propaganda effort  by Meles and his T-TPLF gang to portray Ethiopian Muslims peacefully demanding respect for their human rights as the handmaidens of such jihadist terrorist movements as Hamas (Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya), Harakat al-Jihad al-Islami al-Filastini and the Abu Sayyaf (terror group in the southern Philippines) group’s Al Harakat al-Islamiyya.
That docutrash had little propaganda traction.
The fact of the matter is that the T-TPLF itself has been sponsoring domestic terrorism by its security forces.
According to U.S. Ambassador Vicki Huddleston, a bombing that occurred in Addis Ababa on September 16, 2006 and blamed on terrorists “may have in fact been the work of the GoE [“government of Ethiopia”] security forces.”
The T-TPLF made another claim of an attempted bombing of the African Union in 2011 and convicted certain individuals in one of its monkey courts.
Over the past several years,
Meles and the T-TPLF gang  have toiled to anathematize, neutralize, demoralize, stigmatize, apostatize, delegitimize,  brutalize, criminalize, criticize, diabolize, disorganize, fragmentize and illegalize Ethiopian Muslims.
Meles and his T-TPLF gang have tried every trick in the book to stoke sectarian strife in Ethiopia by inciting church and mosque burnings.
Meles and his T-TPLF gang have sent their agent provocateurs to incite violence between Christians and Muslims.
Meles and his T-TPLF gang have tried to inflame passions by spreading false rumors about the desecration of the Holy Qur’an.
Meles and the T-TPLF gang have issued bogus census statistics on the number of followers of the Muslim and Christian faiths in the hope of inciting passions among adherents of both faiths.
Meles and his T-TPLF gang  have done their damnedest to divide and (mis)rule Muslim communities by dividing them as “Salafists”, “Wahhabists”,  Al Qaeda sympathizers, terrorist and so on.
Meles and his T-TPLF gang have tried to combine ethnicity and religion to magnify differences among Ethiopians and intensify sectarian conflict.
Meles and his T-TPLF gang have pulled all the tricks out of their bags to cause religious and ethnic strife. Thank God, none of it has turned out the way they designed it.
When Meles and his T-TPLF gang  failed miserably in their propaganda efforts, they did what they know to do best: Sweep up human rights advocates, religious protesters, opposition leaders and members and hand them long prison sentences.
Why am I discussing commentaries I wrote years ago on the T-TPLF persecution of Ethiopian Muslims?
First, I want to explain why I was motivated to defend Ethiopian Muslim against persecution by the T-TPLF.
The greatest weapon in the hands of the T-TPLF to perpetuate itself in power is to divide the people of Ethiopia by religion and ethnicity.
The T-TPLF’s bogus “ethnic federalism” has sought to separate the people of Ethiopia by ethnicity, religion and region.
By pitting Christian against Muslims, the T-TPLF seeks to remain the master of all Ethiopians for all time.
The T-TPLF has achieved a modicum of “success” in its implementation of a 21st century apartheid-style “kilil” or “Bantustan” system in Ethiopia.
(I find it mind-boggling how a bunch of boorish thugs fresh out of the bush were able to orchestrate such a massive political fraud and institute a cancerous criminal enterprise by exploiting historic grievances between the ethnic and religious groups. Of course, the same question could be asked of Boer descendants who set up the Apartheid regime in South Africa as well.  Touche!)
All of my commentaries in defense of Ethiopian Muslims have been motivated by one or more of the following factors:
1)  Challenge the late Meles personally on his propaganda efforts aimed at the demonization and vilification of Ethiopian Muslims as Al Qaeda sympathizers and terrorists and demand to see proof of his allegations;
2) Defend the principle that “Religion is a private choice, country is a collective responsibility” and underscore the need for religious equality in Ethiopia;
3) Reaffirm and uphold the centuries long peaceful coexistence between Muslims and Christians in Ethiopia on the principle of religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence;
4) Underscore and promote the need for Christian and Muslim religious leaders to play a central role in preventing sectarian conflict and in building bridges of understanding, mutual respect and collaborative working relations within the two faith communities;
5) Speak out against any religious discrimination against Muslims by the T-TPLF or anyone else;
6) Encourage ordinary Muslims and Christians to build and organize “interfaith councils” to strengthen their brotherhood and sisterhood and keep religion out of politics; and
6)  Commend Christian and Muslim leaders and followers who have stood together and locked arms to defend religious freedom and each other’s rights to freely exercise their consciences.
Second, and most importantly, I want to protest in the court of international public opinion that the long prison sentences handed out to 18 young Ethiopian Muslims in a T-TPLF monkey court is a crime against humanity and a low down dirty shame. 
Last week, a T-TPLF kangaroo (monkey) court  railroaded 18 young Ethiopian Muslims (which Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, USCRIF, African Human Rights Commission and so many others have deemed peaceful protest leaders and activists) to serve between 7 and 22 years in prison.
The young Ethiopians were “convicted” of trumped up charges of  “attempted terrorism, conspiracy to establish an Islamic state, and public incitement.”
The T-TPLF monkey court sentenced Abubakar Ahmed, Ahmedin Jebel, Yasin Nuru and Kemal Shmsu to 22 years each.
Defendants Munir Hussien, Sabir Yirgu , Bedru Hussien, , Mohammed Abate, Abubeker Alemu were given 18 years.
Prison terms of 15 years were handed down to Ahmed Mustefa, Khalid Ibrahim, Sheik Mekete Muhe, Sheik Seid Ali and Mubarak Adem.
The T-TPLF  monkey court handed out 7 years to Yusuf Getachew, Nuru Turki, Murad Shikur and Sheik Bahiru Omar and were jailed for less terms of seven years each.
What crimes did the young Muslim activists REALLY commit?
The earthshaking crime committed by the young Muslim activists is their simple demand for separation of mosque and state.  
As USCRIF described it, “The Muslim leaders were arrested in July 2012, along with hundreds of other Muslims who were peacefully protesting against government interference in the Islamic community’s religious affairs.”
It is as simple as that!
The young activists demanded cessation of regime interference in the administration of Awoliya College and Secondary School and return of school administrators dismissed by the T-TPLF in December 2011.
They demanded the right to elect their own Islamic Supreme Council (Mejlis) governing body.
They demanded a stop to regime infiltration and subversion of their religious institutions.
They demanded the T-TPLF stop appointing its stooges as their leaders.
They demanded the T-TPLF stop its official sponsorship and propagation of the religious ideas of Al-Habesh.
They demanded separation of religion and state!
The T-TPLF game of divide and misrule
The practice of the strategy of divide and (mis)rule has at least four basic elements: 1) create and encourage divisions in a population to prevent unity or coalitions that will challenge those in power; 2) reach out and buy off those in the opposition who are willing to cooperate and sell out to those in power; 3) foster distrust and enmity between and among the population on economic, social, political issues and 4) create general confusion and a climate of hate, fear and loathing throughout society through the systematic use of propaganda.
A tiny number of European colonists were able to effectively control hundreds of millions of Africans on the continent using the principle of divide and (mis)rule.
The British and French exploited ethnic, linguistic, religious and regional differences to keep African peoples in perpetual conflict and to facilitate and consolidate their control.
Frederick Lugar’s  “indirect rule” theory in his enormously influential work,  “The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa” (Chaps. 10 & 11) is based  precisely on the principle of divide and rule.
German and Belgian divide and (mis)rule in Rwanda is the most significant historical factor in the occurrence of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide.
As I thought about the T-TPLF’s divide and (mis)rule strategy in Ethiopia for the past nearly one-quarter century, the words of Martin Niemöller occurred to me.
Niemöller was a Protestant pastor who became a strident critic of Adolf Hitler and Nazi rule. He spent many years in concentration camps and later became widely known for his statement about the failure of Germans to speak out against Nazi rule:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—/ Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— / Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— / Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
As I see it, the vast majority of Ethiopians enveloped in fear, loathing and despair have chosen to remain silent in the face of T-TPLF crimes against humanity.
I point an accusatory finger at the “silent majority” of Ethiopians (and more particularly at the Ethiopian intelligentsia in the Diaspora), for failing to speak out strongly and often against the divide and (mis)rule policies and practices of the T-TPLF.
For their failure I say:
First the T-TPLF came for the opposition leaders and YOU did not speak out and chose to remain silent because you were not in the opposition or because you convinced yourself you were in the “silent opposition”;
Then the T-TPLF came for the people of Gambella, and YOU did not speak out, because you were not Anuak or Nuer.
Then the T-TPLF came for the people of the Ogaden, and YOU did not speak out, because you were not Ogadeni.
Then the T-TPLF came for the Christians and destroyed their monasteries and appointed their  stooge patriarchs and YOU did not speak out because you were not Christian.
Then the T-TPLF came for the journalists and bloggers and YOU did not speak out because we were not journalists or bloggers.
Then the T-TPLF came for the Muslims and YOU did not speak out because you were not Muslim.
Then the T-TPLF came after YOU, your house, your business, your profession, your job, your dignity, your nationality, your humanity and your Ethiopianity.
Then YOUR conscience came after YOU at night, in the morning, noontime and night. YOU were dumbstruck, speechless, wordless, silent and guilty!
Fight T-TPLF divide and misrule with “unite to defend your right”
In a recent commentary on the “unfair trial of Muslim leaders and why it undermines counter-terrorism in Ethiopia”,  Abadir M. Ibrahim argued, “The government’s response to the [protest]  movement was inhumane and disproportionate to say the least. It rounded up the most prominent protest leaders, tortured them, attempted to shame and defame them on national television, and now convicted them of terrorism.”
Abadir reported extraordinary facts which most people may not know.
Abadir said he had an encounter with
an Ethiopian human rights activist and was surprised to find out that a terrorism conviction was celebrated in the activist community. The day of his conviction the activist received hundreds of phone calls and emails congratulating him. When asked how he could take such a serious matter so lightly, his response was epic: ‘I should celebrate my convictions for now I have something in common with Gandhi, Mandela, and King … Call it a depressing rite of passage if you like, but being accused of terrorism is in the resume of every successful Ethiopian activist, politician or journalist.’
Abadir noted:
It was not too surprising then that the Muslim civil society leaders were jovial when they were convicted. Every time the judge announced a guilty verdict, the defendants embraced and congratulated each other and made speeches in response to which attendees cheered.  (Emphasis added.)
I believe the Muslim nonviolent protests will go down as the most important nonviolent struggle for freedom in Ethiopian history.
These young human rights activists were actually practicing Gandhi’s philosophy of “satyagraha” or nonviolent resistance to evil.
Gandhi employed his principle of “satyagraha” in the Indian struggle against British imperialism.
Gandhi’s “satyagraha” has been translated as “insistence on truth” (satya “truth”; agraha “insistence”) or holding onto truth or truth force.
Gandhi used his philosophy of satyagraha in his struggles in South Africa for Indian rights and later in the Indian independence movement. (For an absolutely fascinating account of how Gandhi first used satyagraha as a bold experiment in truth on a mass scale to challenge the British colonial administration, see Rajendraprasad’s “Satyagraga in Champaran”.)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. used Gandhi’s “satyagraha”  to struggle for civil rights in America.
Nelson Mandela rescued South Africa from the pestilence of apartheid using the same basic principles.
By “celebrating their unjust convictions”, the young Muslim activists are telling the world they are not afraid of the T-TPLF and its filthy vermin-ridden prisons.
By “celebrating their unjust convictions”, the young Muslim activists are telling the world they will use truth-force to fight the force of EVIL.
By “celebrating their unjust convictions”, the young Muslim activists are telling the world, “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” (Gandhi)
By “celebrating their unjust convictions”, the young Muslim activists are telling the world, “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
By “celebrating their unjust convictions”, the young Muslim activists are telling the world, “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” (Nelson Mandela)
I want the world to know I have the highest regard for the young Muslim activists for employing satyagraha in the struggle for freedom in Ethiopia. They have proven that peaceful struggle for freedom actually works.
I pay them the highest respect I could possibly pay to any human beings. I appreciate their sacrifices beyond my ability to express in words.
All I can say to them is thank you for teaching all Ethiopians that it is possible to defeat EVIL by being civil and peaceful.
On a “selfish” point, the 18 young Ethiopians have validated and vindicated my own personal struggle for human rights in Ethiopia and for showing me how to speak truth not only to power but also to the apotheosis of EVIL. 
I do not doubt that the T-TPLF is do-se-do-ing in the false belief that they have crushed those seeking religious liberty.
I have no doubts they are high-fiving each other for breaking the backbone of those struggling for religious liberty in Ethiopia.
What the T-TPLF has done is plant the seeds of its own destruction by jailing these young activists.
Those seeds will grow like weeds and will soon consume the T-TPLF empire of corruption.
If I thought the benighted leaders of the T-TPLF had even an elementary understanding of history, I would have reminded them of the truth of President John F. Kennedy’s maxim: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
I won’t even try.
The Bodhidharma taught, “The ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions, and evils, is rooted in the three poisons. Greed, anger, and delusion.”
The T-TPLF is a vicious organization and its leaders are deeply afflicted by  hate, greed, anger and delusion. They are the poison in the Ethiopian body politics.
When the history of the struggle for religious freedom is written, the names of the 18 young, peaceful and nonviolent  human rights activists will occupy the top row of the honor rolls.
I wholeheartedly and without reservation condemn the T-TPLF’s efforts to demonize, scandalize, anathematize and vilify the young Muslim human rights activists.
But the highest tribute anyone can pay these young human rights activists is to make sure their peaceful nonviolent protest continues.
Time for Ethiopian Muslims and Christians to face hard facts
It is time for Ethiopians to face the hard facts! I hate to be the bearer of bad news. The fact is:
Barack Obama is against us!
China is against us!
Britain is against us!
The European Union is against us!
The World Bank and the IMF are against us!
The African Union is against us!
Everybody is against us!
The world is against us!
But it does NOT matter if the whole universe is against us!
There is a force more powerful than the mighty United States of America and all the earthly powers combined.
That force is the truth-force that binds us together in an unbreakable eternal bond.
That unbreakable truth-force is not our nationality.
It is certainly not our ethnicity.
It is not even our humanity.
Our unbreakable bond of truth-force is our divinity.
It is our divinity — the truth-force —  that made the young Muslim human rights activists sacrifice their young lives and celebrate their long sentences before a T-TPLF monkey court.
It is our divinity — expressed in our mutual respect, love, compassion, forgiveness, generosity, tolerance and commitment to justice — that eternally binds us together.
It is tolerance, self-authenticity, courage, creativity, honesty, integrity and tenacity that will ensure our ultimate victory against EVIL.
In Romans 8:31 is written, “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”
In the Qu’uran, Surat ‘Āli `Imrān 3:103 is written: “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you – when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers.”
So, I say to my Ethiopian Christian and Muslim brothers and sisters, we must hold on tight on the “rope of Allah and not become divided” in the face of a vicious enemy.
We must become kindred souls  and together bend the arc of justice.
After all, “If God be for us, who can be against us?”
In tribute to the enormous sacrifices of the 18 young Ethiopian human rights  activists, we must all come together as the sons and daughters of one Mother Ethiopia and fight for our liberty in our divinity.
The peaceful nonviolent struggle in Ethiopia must continue!
A luta continua!
“Religion is a private choice, country is a collective responsibility.”

Monday, August 17, 2015

የአርበኞች ግንቦት 7 ቃልን ወደ ተግባር የማሸጋገር እንቅስቅሴ ያሸበረው ወያኔን ብቻ አለመሆኑን ከተቃውሞው ጎራ ከሚሰማው የተቀዋሚ ተቀዋሚዎች ጩኸት እያየን ነው፡፡

የአርበኞች ግንቦት 7 ቃልን ወደ ተግባር የማሸጋገር እንቅስቅሴ ያሸበረው ወያኔን ብቻ አለመሆኑን ከተቃውሞው ጎራ ከሚሰማው የተቀዋሚ ተቀዋሚዎች ጩኸት እያየን ነው፡፡
 እየተቃወሙ ለመኖር…!

The Patriotic Ginbot 7 attacks factorsAugust 9, 2015
ይገረም አለሙ
የአርበኞች ግንቦት 7 ቃልን ወደ ተግባር የማሸጋገር እንቅስቅሴ ያሸበረው ወያኔን ብቻ አለመሆኑን ከተቃውሞው ጎራ ከሚሰማው የተቀዋሚ ተቀዋሚዎች ጩኸት እያየን ነው፡፡ ርጥቡ ሬሳ ደረቅ ያስነሳ አንዲሉ ይህ ሰሞነኛ ጩኸት የተረሳ እንዲታወስ የተተወ እንዲቀሰቀስ ምክንያት ሆኖ የአንዳንዶቹ ጯሂዎች የትናንት ማንነት ድብቅ ዓላማና ፍላጎት ጭምር ጸሀይ እንዲሞቀው እየተደረገ ነው፡፡ የማለባባስ አጉል ባህላችንን ተራምደው የይሉኝታ ገመዳችንን በጥሰው ስም እየጠቀሱ መረጃና ማስረጃ እያጠቀሱ አካፋን አካፋ ለማለት ለደፈሩ ወገኖቼ ያለኝን አክብሮት እገልጻለሁ፡፡ እያለባበስን አርባ አመት አልቅሰናልና በቃ ማለት ይኖርብናል፡፡
አደባባይ ወጥተው የሚጮኹትም ሆኑ ከኋላ ሆነው የሚገፉት የየግል ፍላጎታቸውም ሆነ አንድ የሚያደርጋቸው ምክንያት ምንነትና አንዴትነት በተለያዩ ሰዎች ተጽፋል፡፡ እውነት ናቸውና መስማማቴን እየገለጽሁ ያልተገለጸ የመሰለኝን ልጨምር፡
ስማቸው ብዙ ነው (ፖለቲከኛ ፣ጋዜጠኛ፣ነጻ ማህበር፣ወዘተ) መገኛቸው ሀገር ውስጥም ውጪም ነው፤ዓላማቸው ቢችሉ ምን-ይልክ ቤተ መንግሥት መታየት ካልሆነም በተቀዋሚነት ካባ አንድም ክብር ሁለትም ብር እያገኙ መኖር ነው፡፡ ተባብሮ መስራት አይሆንላቸውም፡ እነርሱ የሚመሩት ወይንም በቀጥታም ሆነ በተዘዋወዋሪ የሚቆጣጠሩት ካልሆነ በስተቀር ማናቸውም ትግል (ሰላማዊውም የጠብ-መንጃውም) አንድ ርምጃ ሲራመድ ማየት አይፈልጉም፡፡
ሲያልሙት የኖሩትን ሥልጣን ለማግኘት የሚቻለው ደግሞ አንድም በምርጫ አንድም በጡንቻ ነው፡፡እነርሱ በሁለቱም መንገድ ለመሄድ አይችሉም፡፡(አንዳንዶቹ ሁሉን ሞክረው የከሸፈባቸው ናቸው፡፡) የምርጫው ነገር እንኳን ለእነርሱ ፓርቲ መስርተው በምርጫ ቦርድ ተመዝግበው መቀመጫቸውን ሀገር ቤት አድርገው ለሚፍጨረጨሩትም አልተሳካም፡፡ ሀገር ቤት በሚገኙ ተቀዋሚዎች ተከልለው ያደረጉት ሙከራም አልተሳካም፡፡ ( የኢትዮጵያ ዴሞክራሲዊ ኃይሎች ህብረት ይጠቀሳል) የጡንቻውን መንገድ ቢያልሙትም አልሆነላቸውም፤ አይሆንላቸውም፡፡ ከሌሎች ጋር ተባብረው በተቀዋሚነት ተከብረው ለመኖር፤ ከተቻለም ተከልለውም ቢሆን ወደ ምኒልክ ቤተ መንግሥት ለመድረስ መከጀላቸው ባይቀርም መሪነቱን እነርሱ ካልያዙት ወይንም እንቅስቃሴው በቀዳሚነት የእነርሱን ዓላማና ፍላጎት የሚያሳካ ካልሆነ በጅ አይሉምና፡ በዚህም መንገድ ስንዝር መራመድ አልቻሉም፤አይችሉምም፡፡
ስለሆነም ያላቸው ምርጫ ላለፉት ሀያ አመታት ሲተገብሩትም ያየነው ተቀዋሚ እየተባሉ መኖር ነውና በሰላማዊ ትግል በተአምር፣ ወይንም በተቃራኒው መንገድ በጦር የወያኔ ሥልጣን ቢቀየር ይህን ስለማያገኙ ጠንከር ያለ እንቅስቃሴ ሲጀመር ፈጥነው ይዘምቱበታል፡መገንባቱን ሳይሆን ማፍረሱን፣ ማቀራረቡን ሳይሆን ማለያየቱን፤ መደገፉን ሳይሆን ማደናቀፉን የተካኑበት ናቸውና እስካሁን በአብዛኛው ተሳክቶላቸዋል፡፡ ዛሬ ግን ተነቅቶባቸዋልና ድብቅ ማንነታቸውን ያጋልጡ፣ ቀሪ ህይወታቸውን ያበላሹ ለልጆቻቸው መጥፎ ስም ያቆዩ እንደሁ አንጂ የሚሳካላቸው አይመስለኝም፡፡
ፊሺካው ተነፍቷል ጦርነቱ ተጀምሯል በተባለበት ማግስት በፍጥነት ተጠራርተው ከጀመሩት ጫጫታ ውስጥ አንዳችም መፍትሄ ጠቋሚ ሀሳብ አለመኖሩ ከመነሻው በተቃውሞው ሰፈር ይገኙ እንጂ ለውጥ ናፋቂ ሳይሆኑ ወሬ አሟሟቂ፤ የተግባር ሳይሆን የምላስና የብዕር ታጋዮች መሆናቸውን የመሰከረ ነው፡፡ ትናትም ሆነ ዛሬ ሰላማዊውንም ሆነ የጠብ-መንጃውን ትግል የሚቃወሙት ተቀዋሚ እየተባሉ ሆነው ሳይሆን እያስመሰሉ፣ እየታገሉ ሳይሆን እያውደለደሉ ክብርም ብርም የሚያገኙበት ሜዳ እንዳያጡ በመስጋት ነው፡፡ ግን ለምን? እነርሱ በተቃዋሚነት እንዲኖሩ የወያኔ እድሜ መርዘም አለበት? የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ በአንባ ገነን አገዛዝ ውስጥ መኖር አለበት ?ከእነርሱ ፍላጎትና ከሀገር ነጻነት የቱ ይበልጣል?፤የቱ ይቀድማል፡? በእውነቱ አሳፋሪም በታሪክና በትውልድ የሚያስጠይቅም እኩይ ተግባር ነው፡፡
ይህ አድራጎት ዛሬ የተጀመረ አይደለም፤ እንደውም ከአንዳንዶቹ ጋር አብሮ ያረጀ ነው፤ ትንሽ የቅርብ ግዜ ማሳያዎችን አንመልከት፡
ማሳያ አንድ፤ በ1992 ዓም ኢዴፓ የሚባል ፓርቲ ተመስርቶ በአጭር ግዜ ሰፊ እንቅስቃሴ አደረገና እውቅና አገኘ፤ በዚህ መልኩ እየገነነ ከቀጠለ በግልም ሆነ በድርጅት እስከመኖራቸውም እንዳይረሱ የሰጉት እነዚህ የወያኔም የተቀዋሚውም ተቀዋሚዎች የለመዱትንና የተካኑበትን የማደናቀፍ ዘመቻቸውን ከፈቱበት፤ የፓርቲው አመራሮች ቢቸግራቸው በእነዚህ ሰዎች በተወጠነውና በምድረ አሜሪካ በተዘጋጀ ጉባኤ ተካፋይ ሆነው የኢዴኃህ አባል ሆኑ፡፡ ሊቀመንበሩ ዶ/ር አድማሱ ገበየሁ የህብረቱ ዋና ጸኃፊ ለመሆን ቢበቁም ከመነሻው የተገባው በእምነት ሳይሆን የሰዎቹን አፍራሽ ዘመቻ በመፍራት ነበርና ብዙም ሳይቆይ ፓርቲው ከህብረቱ ወጣ፣ መኢአድ ለጉባኤ የላካቸው አባላቱ ሀገር ቤት ሳይመለሱ ነበር ጉባኤው በእነዚህ ሰዎች ሴራ መጠለፉን ገልጾ የጉባኤውን ሂደት በመቃወም ጥያቄ አቅርቦ፤ጥያቄው ካልተመለሰ እንደማይቀጥል ያስታወቀው፡፡ ኢዴኃህም የቡና ውሀ ሆነ፡፡ (በምርጫ 97 የሰሩትም የሚረሳ አይደለም፡፡)
ማሳያ ሁለት፤ ቅንጅት ሲመሰረት መሪነቱን እንያዝ እንዳይሉ ከመስፈርቱ አንዱ በሀገር ቤት ያሉ የሚል በመሆኑ፣ እነርሱ ደግሞ አብዛኛዎቹ ከሀገር ውጪ ስለሚኖሩና ሀገር ቤት ፓርቲ ስለሌላቸው አልተቻላቸውም፤ በእጅ አዙር አንዳይቆጣ ጠሩት ከቅንጅት የወቅቱ ጥንካሬ አንጻር ለዛ የሚያበቃ አቅም አልነበራቸውም፡፡ እናም በሚያውቁት በለመዱትና በተካኑበት ስልትና መንገድ ብዙ ዘመቱበት፤ ወዳጅ መስለው በመቅረብ መጥፎ እየመከሩ አቅጣጫ ለማሳት፣ በአመራሩ መካከል መጠራጠር ለመፍጠር ብሎም ቅንጅትን ከመረጠው ሕዝብ ለማጣላት ከውጪም በሀገር ውስጥም በመልእክተኞቻቸው በኩል ብዙ ሰርተዋል፡፡ የቅንጅት አመራሮች ለፓርላማ ሳይሆን ለወህኒ ሲዳረጉም ተደስተዋል፡፡
ማሳያ ሶስት፤ የቅንጅት አመራሮች ከእስር ከወጡ በኋላ የፈጠሩት አለመግባባት እስከ መለያየት እንዲያደርሳቸው ከሁለቱም ወገን ደጋፊ መስለው በመሰለፍ የእብድ ገላጋይ ድንጋይ ያቀብላል አይነት የተጫወቱት አፍራሽ ሚና ቀላል አይደለም፡፡ ይህን ለማረጋገጥ በወቅቱ በዌብ ሳይቶች በጋዜጦችና በማህበራዊ ድረ-ገጾች ወዘተ ላይ የተጻፉትን ማየት በየፓልቶኩ በያራዲዮው የተነገሩትን ማደመጥ በቂ ነው፡፡
ማሳያ አራት፤ የቅንጅት ከፊሉ ወገን ተሰባስቦ ወ/ት ብርቱካን ሚደቅሳን ሊቀመንበሩ አድርጎ አንድነት ለዴሞክራሲና ለፍትህ የተሰኘ ፓርቲ መስርቶ በአጭር ግዜ በሀገር ውስጥም ሆነ አውሮፓና አሜሪካ ሰፊ እንቅስቃሴ ሲያደርግ የተበለጥን ሰይጣናዊ ስሜታቸው አገርሽቶ የከፈቱት ዘመቻም የሚረሳ አይመስለኝም፡፡(በአብዛኛው የሚዘምቱት ሀገራዊ ድርጅት ላይ ነው)
አንድነት የቅንጅት ወራሽ መሆኑና ( ቅንጅት የሚለው ስምና ሁለት ጣት ምልክት ወያኔዎችን ያባንናቸዋል)ከጅምሩ ያገኘው ተቀባይነት ያሰጋው ወያኔ ወ/ት ብርቱካንን ዳግም ሲያስር ለእነዚህ ሰዎች ፌሽታ ነበር፡፡አጋጣሚውን በመጠቀምም ቀሪዎቹን አመራሮች ከቅርብም ከሩቅም ወዳጅ መስለው በመቅረብ በምክርም በገንዘብም በሌላ ሌላውም ከወዲያ ወዲህ እያላጉ የት ይደርሳል የተባለውን አንድነት ሽባ አደረጉት፡፡ የእነርሱም የወያኔም ሴራ ተደማምሮ አንድነት አምስት አመት ሙሉ ታሞ በምርጫ 2007 ዋዜማ ግብአተ መሬቱ ተፈጸመ፡፡ እናቃብራችሁ አንኳን አላሉም፡፡
ማሳያ አምስት፤ ሰማያዊ – ይህኛውም ፓርቲ በ2004 ዓም ተመስርቶ በአጭር ግዜ በጠራው ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ለስድስት አመት የተዘጋን የሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ክልከላ በር አስከፈተ ተብሎ ስሙ ሲናኝ የሌላው መግነን የእኛን መኮስመን ያስከትላል የሚል ከይሲ አስተሳሰብ ያላቸው እነዚህ ወገኖች ዘመቻ የጀመሩት ከመቅጽበት ነው፡፡
ይሉት ቢያጡ ሰበብ ቢቸግራቸው ከሌሎች ጋር ተባብሮ መስራት አለበት ብቻውን የትም አይደርስም አሉ፡፡ አልተሳካላቸውም እንጂ ይህን ሰበብ አድርገው በፓርቲው ውስጥ ክፍፍል እስከመፍጠር ደርሰውም እንደነበር ይታወቃል፡፡ሌላም ሌላም መጥቀስ ይቻላል፡፡አንድ ፓርቲ ጠንክሮ እንዳይወጣ ወይንም ፓርቲዎች ተባብረው በግንባርም ይሁን በውህደት ጠንክረው እንዳይታገሉ ካደረጉዋቸው ምክንያቶች አንዱ የእነዚህ ወገኖች ሴራ ነው፡፤
እነሆ አሁን ደግሞ የተለመደውንና መታወቂያቸው የሆነውን አፍራሽ ተግባር ጀመሩ፡፡ የኢሳይያስ ማንነትና የሻዕቢያ ምንነት የታያቸው ዛሬ ነው ? ጅብን ሲወጉ በአህያ ተከልሎ እንደሚባለው ይህ ሰበብ ነው፡፡ ዋና አላማው ኢሳይያስንና ሻዕቢያን ከለላ አድርጎ በነጻነት ትግሉና ታጋዮቹ ላይ መዝመት ነው፡፡
ተቃውሞአቸው ምንድን ነው፡፡
የሚያነሱት ነገር ለክርክር እንዳይቀርብ ለመለስ ምትም አንዳይመች ተቃውሞአቸው ስልታዊ መንገዳቸው የጎንዮሽ ነው፡፡የሚደግፉትም ሆነ የሚቃወሙት ነገር በግልጽ አይታወቅም፤ ዛሬ ያመሰገኑትን ነገ ይኮንኑታል፤ባከበሩ ማግስት ያዋርዳሉ፤ የእነርሱ የሆነ ሁሉ ቅዱስ በተቃራኒ የቆመ ወይም ለእነርሱ ያልተመቸ ሁሉ ርኩስ ነው፡፡ እነርሱ ሞክረውት አላስኬድ ባላቸው መንገድ ሌሎች መሄድ ከቻሉ በቅናት ያራሉ፡ እነርሱ ሊወዳጁት ያልቻሉትን ሰው ወይንም ድርጅት ሌሎች መወዳጀት ከቻሉ የውግዘት ናዳ ያወረዳሉ፤ እነርሱ ሞክረውት ያቃታቸውን ሌሎች ለማሳካት ከጀመሩ የማጥላላት ጥሩንባ ይነፋሉ፤ በታላቁ መጽኃፍ ትንቢተ ኢሳይያስ ም፣48 ቁ.22 ላይ “ክፉዎች ሰላም የላቸውም” ተብሎ እንደተጻፈው በክፋታቸው ለራሳቸው ሰላም አጥተው ሌላውንም ሰላም ያሳጣሉ፡፡
የሚሰሩትን አያውቁምና ይቅር በላቸው ተብሎ አንዳይተው፣ ዓላማችን ላሉት ስኬት አስበው ወቅት ጠብቀው የሚሰሩ መሆናቸውን አይተናል እያየንም ነው ፡፡ የተለመደ ተግባራቸው ነው ተብሎ ተንቆ አንዳይተው ብእራቸውም ሆነ ምላሳቸው የሚረጨው መርዝ ለትግሉ ውጤታማነት ሆነ ከድል በኋላ ለሚፈለገው መረጋጋት ብሎም ለኢትዮጵያውን አንድነት ጠንቅ ነው፡፡ መፍትሄው አላማችሁ ገብቶናል በቃችሁ ማለት መቻል ነው፡፡ይሄ ካልበገራቸውም ማንነታቸውን ጸሀይ ማሞቅ፡፡

Thursday, August 13, 2015

If you want to lead, do better than Dr. Berhanu Nega and his compatriots


August 4, 2015

A genuine leaders is not a searcher of consensus but a molder of consensus –Martine Luther King

by Teshome Debalke
In May 21, 2011 when I wrote: ‘Why I admire Dr. Berhanu Nega?’ it wasn’t because I know the man personally. Nor it is his personality; tough you can’t help but appreciate his confidence as a true child of Ethiopia. I did care less about his background or what his profession means either. It defiantly wasn’t because he is against Woyane just for the sake of it. Nor, do I believe in personality cult that misled many from taking responsibility of their own on the important issues of our people.
What Beirhanu portrayed to me was a leader with character –a commitment to a cause and a moral clarity to achieve what his organization stood for.
The way he eloquently communicates his organization’s objective in liberating the people of Ethiopia from second rated tyranny was a fresh air you cannot help but breathe and feel good about all day; especially in a toxic political environment in the Era of Woyane .
He reminded me of our forefathers’ character of decisiveness that inspired millions to defeat every conceivable enemy our people faced for 1000s of years. If you think about it, it is what is needed in contemporary Ethiopia –the Kinijit sprit to say our people come first.
Regardless of what we think one-way-or-another, what sets Berhanu Nega and his compatriots apart is their confidence in the people of Ethiopia — willing to submit for their wishes that matters the most from opportunism we saw in the last four decades.
Therefore, no matter what; Dr. Berhanu Nega and his compatriots changed how we see leadership in contemporary Ethiopia forever. To me, that is the most important contribution than anything else.
Quite honestly, noting came close to Patriotic –Ginbot 7 since Kinjit swept Woyane and made it look like a lawless village gangs terrorizing our people ever since.
Therefore, four years ago when I express my feelings, I knew little what the newly found organization known as Ginbot 7 under Dr. Berhanu planned to do. But, I knew enough; leadership in an organization with well-defined mission is what matters the most and I was confident enough it will send Woyane in perpetual spin to its core soon. When I noticed how Woyane was so frightened before G7 even started its operation to call the Chairman and his compatriots terrorists and G7 a terrorist organization; it was clear Woyane is so shallow with no legs to stand on; it is no match for G7.
Personally, I knew Woyane is a corrupt criminal group — doing what it is hired to do and doing a wonderful job of its enablers. And, there is plenty of evidence to that end. The apologists are not far behind — laboring to save the criminal group than their people and country sanctity and safety –blinded by a little perk that trickle down their way. Quite frankly, it is hard to swallow –there are Ethiopians out there to be used to sell their people for anything rubbish as long they get what they perceived to be theirs.
But, what surprised many including me are the so called oppositions that claim to be standing for Ethiopians but tripping over each other to attack G7 and its leaders — instead of supporting them. There is nothing wrong to publicly express their concern and provide alternatives which would help the democratic building project. But, to throw fireball on a vibrant organization is what Woyanes do not real Ethiopians.
Therefore, I wrote;
“First and foremost Dr. Berhanu Nega is an elected leader of Ethiopia like his Kinjit partners that wiped the Woyane regime in the May 2005 Election. Love them or hate them he and the elected Kinjit’s leaders are the only people who can speak on behalf of the people of Ethiopia ever. No matter how much Woyane and its stooges scream their lungs out or what any other excuses we can come up with nothing come close to the Real-Thing.
But, for me; as it should be for everybody else– there is nothing as important as establishing the democratic rights of my people to choice their leaders. Therefore, knowing what Woyane is all about, I knew we needed someone with character, the moral clarity and love of people to dismantle the treacherous mercenary tyranny and felt Ginbot 7 under Dr. Berhanu leadership is the right movement to do the job.
Therefore I wrote;
“But, there is more to Dr. Berhanu Nega; his moral clarity towards tyranny in any form is unwavering. And, his willingness to get his hand dirty to make it history is real. This is a rare commodity we have lost in the last two generation.”
As I expected, the mercenary group determined to destroy every Ethiopian leader (past and present) has been at it ever since it came to power and are at Dr. Berhanu and his partners in G7 case. Others with serious character flaws continue to cry wolf to undermine Dr. Berhanu and his compatriots as we are witnessing.
Obviously, Dr. Berhanu and his partner in Patriotic-Ginbot 7 Movement don’t need my defense or praise. I also don’t want to hide behind them from not doing my responsibility as an Ethiopian. I, like many have my opinions and anxiety how we can best dismantle tyranny from the face of earth but, I believe talking about it without doing it would reduce me to the level of the do-noting talkers that infested our society –I have been writing about over the years. My motto is; do the right thing or stay aside and let others do it. If anyone violated that rule or insult any of my people that try I have no mercy on them to express my feeling.
The objective of this article is not to praise Dr. Berhanu and his partners in the movement. I said enough before and don’t want to make it a habit of living off of others’ efforts to cover up my own inadequacies as many do. But, this is another opportunity to tell the stooges of Woyane how carrying a mercenary regime on their shoulder reduces them as liars and thieves with no character or moral ground worthy of Ethiopians to criticize ANY Ethiopian organization. When they chose to go to bed with a mercenary Apartheid regime that rotted their mind and body they sealed their fate. But, going beyond to attack any Ethiopian that attempt to clean up the rot they help create have consequences.
At the meantime, I want to communicate to others– talk never build anything but, waist time and tear apart what was built. And, to build something worthy of our people requires visionary leaders that are willing to summit for the people will first to see clear to do the right thing not parasitic leaders that live off the blood and sweat of our people.
The problem with “Power sharing groups”
I have to admit, theses group are not kosher. They believe our people’s democratic right is up for grab to their liking. In other words; democratic rights can be auctioned off to their liking without the people consent for their convenient. They have many excuses why it is necessary and almost always use scare tactics if they don’t get their way. They have no problem with Woyane as long as it shares power with them that doesn’t belong to it. Our people democratic rights are secondary to their desire acquiring power without the consent of the people.
Quite frankly, theses groups more than any are what prolonged the life of tyranny for extended period throughout our history and the cause of tyrannical behavior to strive in our society.
The problem with ‘United struggle group’
These groups are no different than the power sharing group except they don’t have base to claim self-appoint themselves. Therefore, united struggle will give them platform to share power indirectly. Like the former, the democratic rights of our people are secondary but, use it to remain relevant. Like the former, they have many excuses and almost always put scare tactics if they don’t get their way.
Quite frankly, these groups more than any are what prolonged the division of democratic advocates for so long thus, the life of tyranny.
The question remained; can anyone claim to represent any group or individuals without their consent?
Advocacy Verses self-appointed Representation; the Africans dilemma and what the youth can learn.
Personally, I feel we Africans in general are poor and shackled by tyranny because of the elites that claim to represent our people without their consent. Ethiopians are no exceptions. The problem started with the elites not willing to accept (often deliberate) there is a difference between advocating for our peoples’ democratic rights and claiming to represent them. This naturally comes from underestimating our people’s ability to know what is right for them. In other words; it is looking down our people as children — as if they can’t speak for themselves and don’t know their rights and responsibilities to their people and country in need of self-appointed representative[s] to speak for them. In short, it is an insult to the intelligence of our people that are proven to be far more civilized than the elites that claim to represent them.
Therefore, what went wrong obviously will be the follow up question to address it.
Political parties and Advocacy group
If we take the way contemporary political elites are organized it is either as political party or advocacy group.
Political parties; whether national or regional primary goal is seeking political power. In order to achieve that there are two options, by the consent of the governed (election) or by the barrel of the gun (forced submission). The latter is proven deadly and made things worse than better. The former is proven difficult because tyranny wouldn’t leave power by election. Therefore, the only reason political parties should come together for common cause is to force the ruling tyranny to submit for the people will. But, our experience is they wouldn’t do it because they have other agenda they wouldn’t revile to in public—reflected in their public statement of democracy but, undemocratic deed in private.
Democracy Advocates
The future of any society and a nation rest on democracy advocates. Unfortunately, in Africa they are few and far in between. There are many human right advocates. Though their role is as important as any, unlike democratic advocates they are reactive to crimes of tyranny and are not equipped to dismantle tyranny.
But, Democracy Advocates are proactive to bring down tyranny on its knees and, the ruling tyranny is one small obstacle among many to achieve their goals. If truth must be told, tyranny fears democracy advocates more than any and has no legs to stand on as we are witnessing Woyane wobbling like a mad dog biting anyone on its way when democracy advocate show up. Look further how frightened it is on one independent Media like ESAT to spent millions of dollars to stop people from seeing its true color. Woyane is not alone to fear democracy advocates. Look around you and find out why democracy advocates are feared.
In that context is how I see Patriotic –Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy with a Mission of; The primary mission of GINBOT 7 Movement is the realization of a national political system in which government power and political authority is assumed through peaceful and democratic process based on the free will and choice of citizens of the country.
Now look carefully how it is portrayed in the not so kosher Medias. Some portrait it as opposition political party and others as Amhara party and some even go to claim it is Shabia party. Depending who said it you can find they have done absolutely nothing …nada to advance the cause of our people’s democratic rights. I will take that back, they call for conferences to nowhere, write letters of protest and put out Press Releases to nowhere. If that was all we Ethiopians need to be free we would have been free long ago but, that is not the case.
Don’t take my word. Look them up and see for yourself what they do. I guarantee you will find out they have other missions than our peoples’ freedom and democratic rights. But, for sure you will see them piggybacking on those who labor to bring about democracy to our people and splitting hair to undermine them at the same time.
The Transparency Project is the key to sort out the real from fabricated organizations that involve in public affair to distract us as we witnessed for decades.
Patriotic –Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy is a movement to be emulated not undermined.
Let it be known to one and all. If you run an organization and fail the transparency test you might as well close shop and retire. The job of liberating our people from tyranny is not entertainment. If you have better alternative; put it out and let the people judge. Transparency matters; it shows what said and done reconciles. Leadership matters; it shows the willingness to take responsibility. Submission for the people will matter; it shows democracy is the goal not slogan. Most importantly, our people’s lives and wellbeing matters; it shows the struggle is about them not for lust for power and prestige.
Patriotic –Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy is in the right track on all counts. Show me a better alternative I will stand corrected. But, the era of botching what is good for our people is over. We have Woyane for that and, aiding and abiding Woyane doesn’t make you an alternative, it makes you a replica.
This article is dedicated for my people advocating for religion freedom that were sentenced for extended period by Woyane kangaroo court. Your sacrifice is for Ethiopawinet Woyane is after disguised as on your faith. Your people are with you in prison, out of prison, anywhere and everywhere until freedom rings soon.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

የቀድሞው ጠ/ሚ መለሥ ዜናዊ 3ኛ ሙት ዓመት በሰሯቸው ታላቅ ሥራዎች በማስታዎሥ ታሥቦ ዋለ

የቀድሞው ጠ/ሚ መለሰ ዜናዊ 3ኛ ሙት ዓመት ከፍተኛ የመንግሥት ባለሥልጣናትና እራይ አሥፈጻሚው ጠ/ሚ  ሀይለማሪያም  ደሳለኝና ቀዳማዊ እመቤት አዜብ  መሥፍን ጭምር በተገኙበት በሥልጣን ዘመናቸው የሰሯቸውን በርካታ  ሥራውች በውሳት በደመቀ ሁኔታ ተከብሯል.በርካታ የህዋት(TPLF) ባለሥጣናት ቀዳማዊ አዜብ መሥፍንን  ጨምሮ  የጠ/ሚ መለስ ዜናዊ እራይ በማሥፈጸም ከሳቸው ጋር ለመቀላቀል ቃል ገቡ
መለስ ዜናዊ ለኢትዮጲያ ምንም አልሰራም የምትሉ ተቃዋሚዎች ሁሉ ሳነብ ካገኘሗቸው የርሱ ትልልቅ ስኬቶች ውስጥ ጥቂቶቹን ላካፍላችሁ!1ኛ...ይች ሀገር ከ80 በላይ ብሄር ቤሄረሰቦች ያሉዋት ሲሆን  አቶ መለስ የመጡበት ትግራይ ግን ወርቅ ዘር ናት ብለው ማመናቸውምና መናገራቸውም
2ኛ...አፄ ሐይለስላሴ በከፍተኛ ዓለም አቀፍ ተጋድሎ ወደ እናት ሀገሩዋ የቀላቀሉዋትን ኤርትራን
3ኛ.....ከኤርትራ ጋር በተደረገና T ድረስ ምክንያቱ ባልታወቀ ጦርነት 70,000 ወጣቶችን እንዲያልቁ በማድረጋቸው
5ኛ....በዘመናት የታሪክ ሂደት ከስም ያልዘለለ ጥቅም አግኝቶ የማያውቀን የአምሀራን ህዝብ እንደ ጨቁዋኝና ገዥ አድርጎ በማስጠላት በበደኖ በአርባጉጉ በነቀምት በጉራፈርዳ የዘር
ፍጅት እንዲደረግበትና እንዲሰደድ
6ኛ.... የኦሮሞ ፖለቲከኞችን ኦነግ በሚል ስም በመግደልና እስር ቤቱን በኦሮምኛ ተናጋሪ በመሙላታቸው
7ኛ....የሀገሪቱን የትምህርት ፖሊሲ በሀገሪቱ የዘመናዊ ትምህርት ታሪክ ውስጥ ታይቶ በማይታወቅ መልኩ የማይረባና ትውልድን ገዳይ የሆነ የትምህርት ፖሊሲ እነዲሆን
8ኛ....ኢትዮጵያውያንን በታሪካቸው
አይተውት የማያውቁትን ለአረብ አገልጋይ ወይም ገረድ እንዲሆኑ በማድረጋቸው
9ኛ.....የሀገሪቱን የመከላለከያ ሰራዊት በተለይም በከፍተኛ ማዕረግ ቦታዎች ላይ ከአምስተኛ ክፍል ያቁዋረጡ ሰዎችን ጀኔራል በማድረጋቸው
10ኛ....በኦርቶዶክስ ቤተክርቲያን ታሪክ
ሽጉጥ የሚይዙ እንዲሁም ጠባብና ዘረኛ የሆኑ ፓትርያርክ በመሾማቸው
11ኛ.....እስልምናን ለማጥፋት አህባሽ የሚባል አስተምህሮ በማምጣታቸው
12ኛ. ዜጎች በሀገራቸው መሬታቸው
እየተነጠቀ ለባዕድ እንዲሰጥ በማድረግ
የወጣቶች ተስፋ ስደት ብቻ እንዲሆን
ያደረጉ በመሆናቸው
ብቻ የርሳቸው ስኬት እንዲህ በቀላሉ ተዘርዝሮ አያልቅምና በዚህ ዬብቃኝ፡፡
መታሰቢያነቷ ለራሱ 3ኛ ሙት አመት ትሁንልኝማ! ደግሞ ዛሬም ጀግና አይሞትም በሉን!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Is Eritrea Foe or Friend to Ethiopia?

Patriotic Ginbot 7 fightersby Rosa Abadir,
Eritrean involvement in Ethiopian political condition has been received suspicious look by some Ethiopians. Nevertheless, there are millions of Ethiopians on the other side who believe that Eritrea is the only place at this particular time could serve as a shelter to Ethiopian oppositions. Obviously, Eritreans are the only people who could stand with theirEthiopian brothers against the ruthless and savage group of TPLF gangs.
Virtually, nothing makes the TPLF tribal chiefs irritated more than the brotherhood of Ethiopians and Eritreans, as their strong bond would devalue the poisonous divide and rule agenda and accelerates their downfall. Consequently, TPLF would do anything to remain on power and prevent the establishment of the union of Ethiopians and Eritreans. As we currently see, some self-centered irrational Ethiopians along with TPLF gangs are very busy disseminating groundless information against Eritreans and describing them as enemy of Ethiopians. But the truth is contrary and Ethiopians don’t have enemy than the TPLF gangs.
Ethiopians are murdered not by Shabia bullet, but by the barbaric TPLF Agazi militia. It’s not Eritreans but TPLF gangs who are turning Ethiopia to a living hell and force the citizens to live in unimaginable suffering and distress. Whether we like it or not there is no brutal and cruel enemy to Ethiopians more than the TPLF gangs. Ethiopians are being tortured everyday & dying with starvation, not because Eritreans makes our life difficult, but TPLF gangs deliberately relocate the country’s property to their village and use it to their lavish life style.
Moreover who undermined the Ethiopian nationalism as well as the country’s well reserved history? Who imprisoned, killed so many Ethiopians and deprive their humanity? Who is living endless luxury while millions of Ethiopians are having indescribable pain and misery? We can write so many other filthy crimes against humanity & the answer is not hidden from us unless we deliberately fixated with some kind of irrelevant foolish fiasco.
In fact, the TPLF apartheid rulers would try to use Eritrea as a pretext and wage war in order to divert the attention of citizens, nevertheless, this time would not be the same as the past. However, regardless of the TPLF attempt to create disharmony between Ethiopians and Eritreans, the Eritreans have already showing solidarity with their Ethiopians brother and sister and condemn the ruthless TPLF regime, which is very encouraging & should be supported by all of us.
As a result, on our side it should be a genuine Ethiopians duty to extend our solidarity with Eritreans in order to shorten TPLF gangs’ life by cutting their Achilles tendon. In fact, TPLF knows that Eritrea is the only place opposition groups could get a shelter and able to organize their power and able to attack against TPLF. So they would try anything to block this golden opportunity by fabricating unsubstantial news.
Because, history doesn’t cover the fact that TPLF gangs had been raised and fed by Shabia. Therefore, irrespective of some naïve & childish Ethiopians who are making nonsense noise about Shabia, the truth is there is no one better than Eritreans who knows the weak as well as the strong side of TPLF. Therefore, the steps taken by some gallant Ethiopian opposition group to approach Eritrean and have them as a tactical friend to bring down the TPLF gangsters seems very smart and well designed, since the creator knows better than the created.
Unfortunately, some inactive Ethiopian opposition and their naïve followers are misguided and trapped with outdated propaganda and making illogical loud noise from their comfort sofa against Eritrean government. They don’t show any other alternatives except using insult and name calling to intermediate courageous Ethiopians that are paying the highest sacrifice on the battle ground in favor of freedom and justice. But I’m sure their attempt would be futile as long as we remain strong and expose their empty debacle in every possible path.
The truth is no one is close to Ethiopians than the Eritreans, and vice versa. So our bond will be very important for our mutual development and the survival of both countries. Plus, we Ethiopians and Eritreans are the same people and prefer to live with harmony and brotherhood, but because of some lunatic interest group we are forced exercising hate and bigotry toward each other, which is very sad and heartbroken. Nevertheless that is already becoming history and we both identified there is no worst and archenemy to like the TPLF gangs, so it would be unwise for both people to disregard this obvious truth and spend our time fighting each other.
I am sure after the TPLF era both countries would be able to live with peaceful coexistence including established common market, dual citizenship, using the port for both and citizens of both countries be able to establish business in anywhere inside both countries with any limitation and also travel without an pass or travel document in both countries. I think both Ethiopians and Eritreans have clearly recognized their enemy and hopeful their future approach and relationship would be genuine.
Recently, we Ethiopians have proofed that Eritreans are doing their part to have our trust and establish previous broken relationship. So it would be unwise for some gullible Ethiopians who are driven by emotion to reach to the conclusion based on past experience and block every possible opportunity to work with Eritreans. Truthfully, we cannot hide the fact that Ethiopia remained land locked not because of Eritreans, but the savage action of our previous dictators in particular Derg led by mass murderer Mengistu H/Mariam towards Eritreans and the treacherous conspiracy of TPLF tribal warlords.
Anyway, now animosity towards both Ethiopians and Eritreans based on what happened in the past makes the condition more difficult and complicated, instead of repairing the broken relationship. So our last resort should be to work together on things that benefit both countries. And I’m sure Eritreans are not naïve as some credulous Ethiopians describe them to keep us landlocked as they know that our success is their success and vice versa. Ethiopian’s on the other hand should convince that strong and sustainable Eritrea is beneficial to both people.
Therefore, freedom lover Ethiopians should honor those who support our cause and stand beside us in our difficult time. Without doubt there is no one better than the Eritrean government who deserves our honor for supporting our struggle and giving our patriots a shelter. Unfortunately, some irresponsible self-interested Ethiopians and under cover TPLF gangs are trying hard to divert our attention and accuse Shabia as enemy of Ethiopia. However, the truth is contrary to their claim and TPLF is the one who is practicing apartheid rule in Ethiopia by killing and terrorizing our people. Therefore, we should invest our energy to eliminate this typhoid before it eradicates us.
“Approach a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend, because he has more to prove.”