Tuesday, June 30, 2015

በሰሜን አሜሪካ የስፖርት ፌደሬሽን ያዘጋጀው ልዩ ፕሮግራም በደማቅ ሁኔታ ተከፈተ


maleda times | June 29, 2015 at 6:31 am | Categories: AMHARIC NEWS | URL: http://wp.me/p2gxmh-6V9
በሜሪ ላንድ ቨርጂኒያ እና ዲሲ ይከናወናል ተብሎ ለረጅም ጊዜ በጉጉት ሲጠበቅ የነበረው የሰሜን አሜሪካ እግርኳስ ጨዋታ የመክፈቻ ዝግጅት በዛሬው እለት በደማቅ ሁኔታ ተከፍቶአል ። ይሄው በሰሜን አሜሪካ በየዓመቱ የሚደረገው የኢትዮጵያውያን የስፖርት እና የባህል ፌስቲቫል ዛሬ በሜሪላንድ በርድ ስታዲየም በርካታ ኢትዮጵያውያን በተገኙበት በድምቀት ተከበረ:: ከአሜሪካ እና ከካናዳ የመጡ ከ30 በላይ ቡድኖች በስታዲየሙ በመገኘት በዚሁ በመክፈቻ ዝግጅት ላይ ራሳቸውን አስተዋውቀዋል:: በዚህ ዝግጅት ላይ ለእንግሊዙ አርሰናል ክለብ እየተጫወተ የሚገኘው ጌድዮን ዘላለም የተገኘ ሲሆን ከሕዝቡም ደመቅ ያለ አድናቆት ተችሮታል:: በዚሁ የመክፈቻ ዝግጅት የፌደሬሽኑ ፕሬዚዳንት አቶ ጌታቸው ተስፋዬ ባሰሙት ንግግር የዘንድሮው ዝግጅት በርካታ ሕዝብ በመገኘት በመከፈቱ መደሰታቸውን ገልጸው በቀጣይ ቀናት ደማቅ ዝግጅቶች እንደሚኖሩ ጠቁመዋል:: ethiopia soccer 1እንደ ፕሬዚዳንቱ ገለጻ ረቡዕ ምሽት የብሄራዊ ትያትር 60ኛ ዓመት በዓል በታሪካዊ ሁኔታ ይከበራል; የፊታችን ሐሙስ አርብና ቅዳሜም ከእግር ኳሱ በተጨማሪ ታላላቅ አርቲስቶች እንደ እነ ጠለላ ከበደ አያሌው መስፍን ሌሎችም በስልሳዎቹ አካባቢ የነበሩት በሙሉ በስራዎቻቸው የሚዘከሩ እን በክብር የሚገኙ መሆናቸውን የገለጹ ሲሆን በህይወት የሌሉትንም ሆነ ታላላቅ ስራዎቻቸውን ጥልውልን ያለፉትም በክብር እንደሚዘከሩ ጠቁመዋል ከዚያም ባሽገር በወቅቱ አሉ የሚባሉት ታላላቅ አርቲስቶ  ትልልቅ የሙዚቃ ኮንሰርቶች እንደሚያዘጋጁና እንደሚያቀርቡ የጠቆሙ ሲሆን  ሕዝቡም በነዚህ ስፍራዎች እየተገኘ እንዲዝናና ጥሪያቸውን አቅርበዋል:: የዘንድሮው የኢትዮጵያ ስፖርት ፌዴሬሽን 32ኛ ዓመት በዓል መታሰቢያነቱ በሊቢያና በደቡብ አፍሪካ ላለቁት ኢትዮጵያን መታሰቢያ እንደሆነ የገለጹት ፕሬዚዳንቱ የተለያዩ የሃይማኖት መሪዎች ንግግር እንዲያደርጉ ጋብዘዋል:: የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተክርስቲያን ተወካይ ባሰሙት ንግግር የሊቢያውን ሰቆቃ አስታውሰው “እግዚአብሔር ኢትዮጵያን አይረሳትም” ብለዋል:: ፕረዚዳንት አቶ ጌታቸው ለማለዳ ታይምስ እንደገለጹት ከሆነ በዘንድሮው አመት የቨርጂኒያ ቡድን ለ3ኛ ጊዜ ካሸነፈ ይህ ዝግጅት በ32 አመቱ ለየት የሚያደርገው ደማቅ ፕሮግራም ይሆናል ብለዋል ። በሌላም በኩል በዚሁ የስፖርት ፌደሬሽን ባለው የስልጣን ተዋረድ ላይ ከጋዜጠኞች ለቀረበላቸው ጥያቄ ሲመልሱ በዘንድሮው አመት ምርጫ ተከናውኖ 61 ቦርድ አባላት ያሉት ሲሆን በ32 ቡድኖች መካከል 9 የአመራር አባላት የጸሃፊውን እና የፕረዚዳንቱንም ቦታጨምሮ የአሉ እና እያገለገሉ የሚገኝ ሲሆን በየሁለት አመቱ ምርጫ የሚያከናውኑ ሲሆን በዚህ አመትም ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ ሙሉው አመራር በቦታው ላይ እንዲቆይ የተደረገ ሲሆን በሚቀጥለው ጊዜም ከዚህ የተሻለ የአመራር ስራ ይዞ ሊቀርብ እንደሚችል እና ለተከታዮቹ የስልጣን ቦታ ላይ ተተኪዎች የተሻለ መረብ ዘርግቶ ሊያልፍ እንደሚችል ጠቁመዋል ።
ከጋዜጠኞች በተለያዩ ከቀረቡላቸው ጥያቄዎች መካከል ለምን በድጋሚ ወደ ሜሪላን ሊመጣ ቻለ ለምን እንደ እነ አትላንታ ባሉት አገሮች ላይ ሊዘጋጅ አልቻለም የሚል ጥያቄም የሰፈረላቸው የነበረ ሲሆን እንደ አመራሩ መልስ ከሆነ የአትላንታም ሆነ የሌሎች ክልል ከተሞች በቂ የሆነ ተፎካካሪ አልነበራቸውም ስለዚህ ተሽሎ የተገኝው ሜሪላንድ ነበር ከዚያም ባሻገር የመጫወቻ ሜዳቸውም በሰፊው የሰጠ እና እንግዶቻችንን ለማስተናገድ በቂ ቦታ እንዳለን የምናቅበት ሲሆን ከዛሬ ሶስት አመት በፊት የሜሪላንድ ህዝብ ተቀይሞንም ስለነበር እነርሱም ለማስደሰት እንደገና በቦርዱ ምርጫ በከፍተኛ ተቀባይነት በማግኘቱ ወደ መሪላንድ ልንመለስ ችለናል ብለዋል።
ከባለፈው ስህተታችን ተምረን በስታዲየሙ ዙሪያ የሚገኙትን መግቢያ በሮች እንዲከፈቱ አድርገና ፣በዋችንግተን ዲሲ መገኘቱ እራሱ ልዩ የሚያደርገው ይሄው ዝግጅት እንደዛሬው የህዝብ ብዛት ሰሞኑን የአየር ንብረቱ ጥሩ ከሆነ ከዚህ በላይ እጥፍ የሆነ ህዝብ እንጠብቃልን አሁን እንኩዋን ደህና መጣችሁ የሚለውን መልእክታችንን በእናንተ ዘንድ በድጋሚ ልናደርስ እነዳለን ሲሉ አክለዋል ።
በዚህ አመት በተደረጉት ቅድመ ዝግጅቶች ላይ እንዴት ነው ማወቅ የሚቻለው የሚል ጥያቄም ቀርቦላቸው በተለያዩ ድህረ ገጾች ላይ በመግባት እንዲሁም በፈደሬሽኑ መገናኛ መድረክ ድህረ ገጽ በመግባት መመለከት የሚችሉ መሆኑንም ተናግረዋል ፣የዘንድሮው አመጥ ጠንካራ ሃይል የጠየቀን ስራ ቢኢሆንም በስኬት እንወጣለን ሲሉ ተናግረዋል፡
የመድሃኔዓለም ወንጌላዊት ቤተክርስቲያን ተወካይ ቄስ በሪሁን መኮንን በሊቢያው ሰቆቃ ሊያስተምረን ስለሚገባ ነገር ተናግረዋል:: የሁሉም የሃይማኖት መሪዎች ልዩነት ሳይበግራቸው በአንድነት በመቆም ሊሰሩ እንደሚገባ ይህ ሃዘን አስተምሮናል ብለዋል:: በሰሜን አሜሪካ የሙስሊም ኮሙዩኒቲ ተወካይ ሼክ ሱለይማን ነስረዲን በበኩላቸው በሊቢያ የተገደሉት ወገኖች የተገደሉት ክርስቲያን በመሆናቸው ሳይሆን ኢትዮጵያዊ በመሆናቸው ነው ሲሉ በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያለውን የሃይማኖቶች መከባበር ለመጠቆም ሞክረዋል:: በዛሬው የመክፈቻ ጨዋታ የላስቬጋሱ አበበ ቢቂላ የሲያትሉን ዳሸን 2ለ0 – ዴንቨር የሚኒሶታውን ኒያላ 4ለ0 – ቺካጎ  ፊላደልፊያን 2ለ1 – ኦሃዮ ቦስተንን 4ለ1 ሲያሸንፉ የሎሳንጀለሱ ዳሎል የዲሲው ዩናይትድ 1ለ1 እንዲሁም የሎሳንጀለሱ ስታርስ ከሜሪላንዱ ከቅዱስ ሚካኤል ጋር 1ለ1 ተለያይተዋል:: በሌላ በኩል የፌዴሬሽኑ ዋና ጸሃፊ አቶ ያሬድ ነጋሽ ለዘ-ሐበሻ እንደገለጹት በዛሬው የመክፈቻ ዝግጅት መደሰታቸውን ገልጸው በቀጣይ ቀናት በርካታ ሰው እንደሚገኝ ያላቸውን ግምት ገልጸዋል:: በሃይማኖት አባቶቹ መል ዕክት መደሰታቸውንም ገልጸዋል:: በድምቀት የተከፈተው የኢትዮጵያውያን የስፖርት እና የባህል ፌስቲቫልን በስፍራው የሚገኙት የዘ-ሐበሻ አዘጋጆች ከማለዳ ታይምስ ጋር በመተባበር በየቀኑ ፕሮግራሙ እስከሚጠናቀቅ ድረስ ይዘግቡላችኋል:: -

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Andy Tsege: Fears grow over state of mind of British activist who languishes in Ethiopian jail

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Andargachew “Andy” Tsege from London was seized at an airport in Yemen

Exclusive: 60-year-old reportedly said he sees no reason to stay alive

Fears are growing for the state of mind of a British father of three who has languished in a secret jail in Ethiopia for almost a year.
Andargachew “Andy” Tsege, who has been sentenced to death, reportedly told the British ambassador during a rare visit: “Seriously, I am happy to go – it would be preferable and more humane.”
Next week marks the first anniversary of Mr Tsege, a leading opponent of the Ethiopian regime, being imprisoned during a trip to Africa.
Amid growing concerns for the 60-year-old Briton’s well-being, he was visited by ambassador Greg Dorey on in April.
A report of the ambassador’s visit was sent to Mr Tsege’s partner, Yemi Hailemariam, the mother of their three children.
Foreign Secretary Phillip Hammond has written to his Ethiopian counterpart Foreign Secretary Phillip Hammond has written to his Ethiopian counterpart (Getty)
The details it contains, combined with a lack of any progress since the visit was made, have left her at “breaking point” she told The Independent yesterday.
Ms Hailemariam was warned by the Foreign Office: “Some bits of this report will be distressing. Please make sure you read it when you’ve got good support around you.”
The visit was not held in the jail where Mr Tsege is being kept in solitary confinement, and took place in front of security officials. “Andargachew looks physically in reasonable shape but has health concerns. And he appears in a bad place psychologically. No evidence of mistreatment, other than the solitary nature of his confinement,” states the report.
Read more: British MPs to visit Ethiopia in bid to secure Tsege's release
Cameron writes to Ethiopian PM on behalf of political dissident
Ethiopia refuses to allow access to imprisoned British citizen
Mr Dorey recalls Mr Tsege commenting: “Seriously, I am happy to go – it would be preferable and more humane. I said I doubted the government would wish to execute him and that in any event we would lobby strongly against this as a matter of principle.”
Mr Tsege saw no reason to stay alive, according to the report. “He was aware of the wider debate on euthanasia and could ask for this: it would relieve the pain,” it adds.
Mr Tsege, who is in solitary confinement, also told the ambassador that prison guards feared he might harm himself but he had not attempted this.
Mr Tsege’s partner Yemi, who lives in north London, described her shock at seeing the report: “The FCO had told me the content of the readout, I was sad but it does not compare to how I felt when I saw it in black and white. I was very devastated.”
Foreign Secretary Phillip Hammond has written to his Ethiopian counterpart to warn that relations between Britain and Ethiopia would be jeopardised if anything happened to Mr Tsege. He is understood to have called for the Briton to be transferred to a normal prison, be allowed regular visits and be treated by a doctor.
But Ms Hailemariam said: “Now we are two months later and nothing has changed. I am at a breaking point… What is it about this case that does not make the ambassador be absolutely outraged that he is being treated the way he is by the Ethiopian government? What is it about us as a family that makes it so not worth it for the Foreign Secretary to change tack and just ‘keep raising it’ without any substantive result?”
Pressure is building on the Government to demand the release of Mr Tsege. The case is being looked at by Juan Mendez, the UN special rapporteur on torture. And Reprieve is calling for the Briton to be freed and returned to the UK.
A Foreign Office spokesman said: “The Foreign Secretary is extremely concerned about Andargachew Tsege’s continued detention. That is why he has raised his case with the Ethiopian Foreign Minister on 13 separate occasions, most recently on 29 April this year. The Minister for Africa raised this again on 11 June.
“We will continue to lobby at all levels, conveying our concern over Andargachew Tsege being detained without regular consular visits and access to a lawyer

British MPs to visit Ethiopia in bid to secure release of Andy Tsege

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Andargachew “Andy” Tsege from London was seized at an airport in Yemen in June

Mr Tsege has been held in solitary confinement for the past six months

A delegation of British MPs will visit Ethiopia next month in a bid to secure the release of Andargachew "Andy" Tsege, a British father of three who is under a death sentence.
Mr Tsege, 59, a leading critic of the Ethiopian government who came to Britain as a political refugee more than 30 years ago, has been held in solitary confinement for the past six months.
He vanished during a stopover in Yemen last June, during a trip from Dubai to Eritrea, in what campaigners say was a politically motivated kidnapping. Weeks later it emerged he had been imprisoned in Ethiopia.
His precise whereabouts remain unknown.
The Briton, who is the secretary-general of a banned Ethiopian opposition movement, is facing a death sentence imposed at a trial held in his absence in 2009.
The announcement of the visit by British Parliamentarians, yesterday, is in stark contrast to the efforts of Prime Minister David Cameron, whose response to desperate pleas for help from Mr Tsege’s family last year was to write a letter to Ethiopia’s Prime Minister.
Jeremy Corbyn, vice-chair, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Human Rights, and Mr Tsege’s constituency MP, will lead the delegation. “He is a British citizen so there is no reason on earth why the British government should not take a very robust view on this,” he said. His constituent is “a British national in prison with no understandable, comprehensible or acceptable legal process that’s put him there.”
And Clive Stafford-Smith, director, Reprieve, who will accompany the MPs to Ethiopia, said: “I think Mr Cameron doesn’t understand how serious this is. I think that Andy is going to be seen, as the years go by, as Ethiopia’s Nelson Mandela.”
Campaigners fear that Mr Tsege is being tortured and concern is mounting for his wellbeing. His sister Bezuaybhu said: “He’s in his cell for 24 hours a day, with an electric light, he’s having no exercise, he’s not having contact with anybody – so if this is not torture what is it?” Her brother has been “kidnapped, detained illegally” and should be brought back to Britain, she added.
In a statement a Foreign Office spokesperson said: “The Ethiopians have not allowed us further access than the two consular visits on 11 August and 19 December, though we continue in our efforts to secure this.” The British government is “deeply concerned” about his detention and is “pressing  the Ethiopian authorities” not to carry out the death penalty, they added.
Six months after his capture, Mr Tsege’s family is finding it increasingly hard to cope. His partner Yemi Hailemariam, mother of their three children, said: “We are very ordinary family caught up in this very extraordinary problem and we just don’t know how to get ourselves out of it.” She added: “It just breaks my heart to think he will be celebrating his 60th birthday in three weeks’ time in prison.”
The only contact she has had in six months was a short telephone call Mr Tsege made last month. “He primarily focused on the kids saying that I should not give them false hope. I told him to keep well and strong. He said he is fine. I asked him where he was, he said he was still there [Ethiopia],” she told The Independent.
“It is very, very, difficult to keep things going; I do have my low points. I try just to block a lot of things out and just keep ploughing away - that's how I'm trying to cope with it,” said Ms Hailemariam.
In a statement, a spokesperson for the Ethiopian Embassy, London, claimed that Mr Tsege belongs to a “terrorist organization” seeking to “overthrow the legitimate government of Ethiopia.” He is being “well treated” and “torture is inhumane and has no place in modern Ethiopia,” they added.
Yet a recent report by Amnesty International revealed how political activists have been tortured and killed by the Ethiopian security forces in recent years.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ethiopia’s hope for changing an unwanted government by ballot box dashed.

The Ethiopian current ruling party (actually it has been ruling the country for the past 25 consecutive years) has shown an enormous growth in becoming more and more dictatorship in each elections held ever since it got on power by bullet not by ballot in 1991. On May 21 .2015 the  ethnic based Ethiopian government organized a fake election as usual for the 5th time since the day it clanged on to the power by slaughtering Ethiopians during the harsh civil war which stayed for about 17 years. The oppressed majority of the Ethiopian people have understood how impossible it is to dethrone or change this government with a peaceful means of election using ballot who came from a bush pulling a trigger, putting bullets in the people's heads and massacring the nation. The Ethiopian people have clearly understood the difference between bullets and ballots. That is why they have never expected anything different from this fake general election. They knew the result and outcome long before the election was held. They knew that the dictatorial ship would continue for the coming 5 years before the oppressive Ethiopian government officials announced it. They knew that their basic democratic, human, political and economic rights will remain denied as before or will be more oppressed and deprived. Journalists will continue facing harassment or imprisonment in the next five years. In addition oppositions ( members and supporters) will be silenced , intimidated , jailed , killed or forced to flee the country to secure the TPLF's dictatorship. The nation will be made to shoulder the burden of poverty while the very finger counted ruling party's elites multiply their wealth by intensifying the corruption and theft  more than ever.

“  … Ethiopia it is only the 5th election we are making and every election is better than its  predecessor...” ( Talk to Al-Jazeera, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMIn3cl5LNs) I found it very difficult to comprehend how each election is better than the previous one. After shading the Ethiopians' blood in civil war for 17 years ( from 1974-1991)  , there was a very narrow  opportunity to stand and run in an election freely with these butchers (the TPLF and its affiliated groups , totally known as EPRDF)who just came out of the bush drinking Ethiopians' blood on their way to Addis Ababa. There fore the 1st so called election (after the fall down of the Marxist Mengistu Hailemariam) was no free and fair election.  The main opponent that this cruel TPLF leaders faced at that time(1995) was the  All Amhara People's Organization ( AAPO) led by the late Dr. Asrat Woldeyes ( who lived from June 20,1928-May 14,1999). His party struggled for the unity of Ethiopia . He was a main critic of Zenawi policy of divide and rule method. In consequence he was jailed in 1994 (a year before the fake 1st general election ) until 1998 by the TPLF regime . His crime was preaching unity . He was against ethnic division which is one of the dangerous issue in Ethiopia even at this time. Dr. Asrat was the first Ethiopian to qualify as a surgeon  who studied at the university of Edinburgh. Moreover officials of the Ethiopian Democratic Unity Party were arrested in Gondar and Bahir Dar.  candidates of the Silte People's Democratic Unity Party were harassed, beaten, and prohibited from traveling(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopian_general_election,_1995) . The TPLF had thrown  Dr Asrat in prison and made him suffer for about 5 years as an example for those who had the desire or the gut  to criticise or oppose openly  Meles Zenawi and his Mafia group TPLF. Actually who would dare to oppose these savages at the time when they just got out of the jungle feeding their minds that the only way to gain power is by using bullets and mortars not by using  pen and paper. The EPRDF and its allies won 471 of the 547 seats in the Council.  In my view the 1995 election was no election. It was rather a confirmation that  the 17 years civil war had come to an end and the killers and murders control the throne .

The 2000 general election was to make sure that the died Meles Zenawi ( a long time Ethiopian dictator) and its party TPLF continue their endless desire of clinging on to power by silencing any one who speaks of unity , democracy , history. Serious election irregularities occurred in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Region (SNNPR), particularly in the Hadiya Zone.  These included incidents of election officials instructing voters for whom to vote, candidates campaigning at polling stations, and candidates being pressured into quitting. There also were credible reports of ballot stuffing, vote count fraud, voter intimidation or bribery, dismissals from work, withholding of salaries, detentions, abductions, and killings. In its annual report on Human Rights, the US State Department stated that there were numerous credible reports that persons who supported or voted for opposition candidates were harassed(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopian_general_election,_2000)  Is it my understanding or has not prime minster Hailemariam seen the above facts before proudly saying that  election in Ethiopia was getting better and better.

Anyone who had a gut to oppose Meles Zenawi and his corrupted Mafia group EPRDF had been tortured, beaten , imprisoned and killed. Again in  2000 the TPLF had successfully knelt its opponents ( the educators. religious leaders , and students) in such a horrible way and proved once again the throne belonged to the TPLF and only to the  TPLF. Therefore in the 2000 general election( which the dictator Ethiopian government claims its 2nd election ) the citizens of Ethiopian had not again been able to harvest and enjoy democracy and their basic human and political rights  because of lack of fair , free , democratic and multi-party election process. the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) captured 481 of the 547 seats in the national election, On the TPLF side the 2000 general election was better than the 1995 because they were able to torture , arrest , imprison, kill several innocent opposition individuals or groups. So the TPLF was getting better and better in the 2nd general election by capturing and discarding more peaceful  opponents than 1995 general election. If this was what the incumbent ruling party’s prime minister Ato Hailemariam was saying on the interview with Al-Jazeera , then he made no mistake about it.

I would be very embarrassed to talk about the growing of democracy in Ethiopia looking back at what really happened in 2005. The general election proved for any healthy mind witness both domestically and internationally how  Ethiopians were under oppressive dictatorial rule. It is the reality that the TPLF had been ( still has been)  stealing Ethiopia’s wealth, money or banks on their way to the capital during the end of the civil war. Stealing (not only monetary things but also votes), killing , torturing or mascaraing is exactly what circulates in their blood vessels. They had proved and exhibited their high level cannibalistic behaviour once again during the 2005 general election dispute. I believe it might be worth citing the report by international observers including the European Union in order to prove how election got  bad to worse rather than better and better in Ethiopia, after all that was what prime minister Hailemariam said on his interview. Observers from the European Union afterward the 2005 general election assessed the closing and counting processes negatively in almost half of urban polling stations observed, a very high figure for international observers to record, and even worse in rural polling stations observed. “Counting was slow, a remarkably high number of ballots were ruled invalid, and there was a lack of transparency in the results. Result sheets were only displayed at 29 per cent of rural polling stations observed and 36 per cent of urban polling stations observed at the completion of counting. In 25 per cent of polling stations observed, political party representatives were not provided with a copy of the results.” The report went on explaining  how the situation went from bad to worse . “...starting with a blanket ban, issued immediately after the end of voting, on freedom of assembly in the capital. Media coverage also worsened. State media published statements by government/EPRDF personnel claiming victory in the elections, despite the fact that counting was still underway, but refused to publish opposition statements. Incidents involving students started on the night of 5 June and extended on 6 and 7 June with hundreds being arrested. During a demonstration in Addis Ababa on 8 June, security forces killed at least 36 citizens and in the aftermath arrested thousands of persons, mostly linked to the opposition, who were accused of spreading political unrest". On October 18, 2006, the draft report of a 10-member public inquiry into election-related unrest was released to Associated Press (AP). It concludes that a total of 199 people were killed and 763 were injured. The European Union's chief observer during the elections, Ana Maria Gomes, stated that the draft report "only confirms what we have said in our report on the elections," and "that indeed there were massive human rights violations."    (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopian_general_election,_2005). I really wonder what calculation has the prime minster of the dictatorial murderer TPLF regime Ato Hailemariam Desalegn applied in order to put his foot in his mouth saying each election is getting better than the previous. I strongly believe he really needs to work on his English, because he confused the comparative adjective “worse” with “better”.

The dictator Meles led TPLF has fooled itself all around the world in the year 2010 by stating it has won an election with 99.6% of the total vote. Had the late Saddam Hussein  been alive to witness this outraging result , he would have been very pissed off on how close the TPLF juntas came in order to break his record of 100% win in 2002. Once again I would like to go back to prime minster Hailemariam speech of each time election is getting better and better in Ethiopia. After the big humiliation that followed the 2005 general election fraud, the government adopted a law which is known as “anti-terrorism law” to enable the brutal oppressive regime to twist any opponents or critics and throw them into jail so that the authoritarian regime would secure its place on the way for the feature. Thanks for this anti-terrorism law the TPLF butchers were and are able to hunt any opposition in and abroad, journalists , opposition party leaders or members or supporters  and sentence them for  long years of imprisonment including death penalty. Dr Birhanu Nega ( Chair person of Arbegnoch-Ginbot 7 for Unity and Democracy Movement ,sentenced in his absence), Ato Andargachew Tsegge( former chair person of Ginbot 7 front ), Ato Andualem Arage from from UDJ party, Ato Natnael Mekonnen , Ato Bekele Gerba and many hundreds politicians  are rotting in prison. Journalist Esknder Nega( sentenced 18 years imprisonment by the TPLF government), journalist Reyot Alemu( She was also sentenced 18 years imprisonment by TPLF), bloggers by the name Blog Nine( who are accused but not yet proven guilty of having connection with opposition groups operating outside Ethiopian). On what kind of measure would this election( the 2010) would be free , fair and inclusive when the government put all its energy and money to block a free and balanced political field. It is a bit annoying for the EPRDF not winning 100% in the 2010 general election after putting all these restrictions on free speech and closing the door for the growth of democracy.

I congratulate the TPLF butchers for winning the 2015 fake general election. Prime minister Hailemariam's speech about  election in Ethiopia is getting better and better ,  has been proved by winning the fake election by 100%. How is it possible to win an election 100% in a country like Ethiopian where more than 80 different ethnics live. How can a healthy normal person comprehend the idea of winning an election pure in 100% in a country where more than 80 different languages are spoken. In a country like Ethiopia where each ethnic has its different culture and philosophy about politics , religion and even life in general , it is very difficult to buy the idea of winning a vote 100%. But the truth of the matter is the TPLF  junta along with its affiliated groups EPRDF has done it and showed to the world. How did these corrupted dictators achieve a 100% clean win over this election? It is very simple they stole the vote as they used to do before. They jailed almost every possible candidate who opposed or criticized them. They locked journalists in bar who tried to show the clear oppression in Ethiopia. They controlled the media, military and public services in order to manipulate the people. Who would lose in an election where all the above mentioned oppressing methods favored him ? The 2015 Ethiopian general election was not observed by European Commission , USA observers were denied from observing the voting process out side the capital Addis Ababa. So this election was conducted with out international observers except the African Union ( in which many of the members are one way or another similar with Ethiopian government).
Generally the Ethiopian people has clearly understood the fact that the dictator TPLF regime will not be removed by ballot. It would be necessary to divert our attention to armed struggle even though it is not the best choice but the hardest.
Sources Al-Jazeera English , Zehabesha.com ,